Chapter 33

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We walked out of the department store, bags in hand, finally chatting normally. We decided to split ways, since he wanted to get more stuff and I was starving. He insisted on coming at first, but I quickly shot him down...gently.

'I wouldn't be able to handle getting food with him like y'know...a DATE. That would be too much for one day...'

He pointed over towards another shop, smile plastered on his face saying something along the lines of going in there next when suddenly my stomach made the LOUDEST growl ever. We both stopped and stared at each other for the length it dragged on. Once it ended he burst out laughing while I scowled at him.

"sorry" he giggled out, and put a hand on my head "you go eat"

"mmhmm" I murmured as I dragged my feet towards the food court and parted ways.

I scoured the different stalls for whatever suited my mood and took out my purse to see how much I had. My face fell. I had nothing. No money.

'I should've asked Izu for some!!!' I groaned and glanced around one last time.

'guess I'll join him again'

I turned to go back to the shops when I saw red and white hair sitting down on the tables eating soba noodles. I scuttled over to where he was sitting and sat down opposite him, staring at his food intently. He looked up slowly.

He glance back down at his food and paused for a second before handing me the chopsticks defeatedly. I squealed in excitement and began stuffing my face, and a muffled

"thanks shouto" escaped my mouth.

He smiled, eyes fixed on me as I continued to eat. After about five minutes, I put the chopsticks down and looked down at the small amount I had left him. I pushed the bowl towards him and bit my lip. He chuckled and took the chopsticks and finished eating the remains.

"want to get some ice cream too?" he asked


'oooh I might've answered that too quickly'

He threw away the rubbish and took my hand, guiding me to another stall.

We stopped opposite the glass window with the options of ice cream, and I leaned down to look at the sugary goodness.

"so what do you want?" he asked

I glanced up at him "ah- what do you want? I mean you are paying..."

He frowned and looked deep in thought before replying with a straight face "I want to make you happy"

'shit don't blush don't fucking blush (Y/N)!'

I smiled quickly and turned back to survey the ice cream, letting my hair cover my face.

Once my heart started to beat at its normal pace I pointed at the chocolate flavour

'there's no going wrong with chocolate'

He ordered for us and took the ice cream, taking a small bite before handing it to me. He led me to sit back down at one of the tables and I placed the cup of ice cream down and took out his spoon, so I did the same and started eating little spoonful's, trying to leave the majority for him unlike what i so ungraciously did with the noodles...

"shouto!" I heard a girls voice shout

He immediately stopped eating and I could've sworn I saw him genuinely looked scared. I tried to see his thoughts but he was well aware of me and kept them quiet. I can't blame him.

I saw a girl with a big grin walking hurriedly towards us. She leaned down and hugged Todoroki from behind, giving him a small kiss on his cheek

"oh sorry I haven't introduced myself. I'm Narumi Utsushimi" her eyes sparkled as she looked at me, then down at the ice cream we were sharing with two spoons stuck in the centre. Then those sparkly eyes turned into ones of blazing of anger. Anyone watching would've been fooled, that she was looking at me happily, but I could feel her judgement rain down on me like bombs. Each one that exploded made my ears ring with realisation.

"I'm Narumi Utsushimi"

'Todoroki's girlfriend'

'No...his fiancé'


So... it's been a while... good news is i'm not dead haha YET

I have the last set of mocks before my real finals in Jan so christmas will be FUN. AND BY FINALS I MEAN THE LAST EXAMS I WILL TAKE IN HIGH SCHOOL THAT DETERMINE IF I GET INTO UNIVERSITY. I have applied to my unis and I got an offer so thats good... but it's my least favourite and it's my safety option so. YA.

I am so sorry i haven't updated in so long but life kind of had me like jkdenjwdnjehf2br y'know?

Anyways I just wanted to say thank you if you're still reading it does mean a lot to me <3

OH and carry on leaving comments I love reading them (◔◡◔)

- Eliza

Izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugou x shouto todoroki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now