Thank you.

6.4K 155 26

You're probably going to skip this part, but please consider to contribute in the last paragraph. (It will be in bold)

10K reads.

That's a lot. And it's all thanks to you guys. I've come to the stage where I can reach 1,000 reads in 24 hours. In my opinion, that's an amazing achievement. I remember when I felt so joyful from receiving 100 reads. Now I've got a hundred times further. I feel like I'm getting greedy recently. For example, when I wake up in the morning and check my book, I might've gotten 8.7k reads. I would be frustrated that I couldn't reach 9k reads over night. Do I really deserve such nice readers like you? But now I've reached 10k, and I'm very satisfied. I'll try not to be a greedy pig again ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

I especially thank the readers who are reading this chapter right now. You've been continuing the whole story, and sticking me. Also, a massive thank you to the people who've been commenting and voting on my story.

Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it. I've been slacking off quite a bit recently, not updating my books. I keep telling myself to create a new cover for this book, but just not be bothered. I'll think to myself to write another chapter of "Eight Workers", but I'll just write 200 words and start playing video games.

Now that I've reached this incredible milestone, I'll try to take Wattpad more seriously.

I hope you all stay with me and help me in the future. I look forward to seeing what will happen to this book. Even if you stop reading this fanfiction, at least you've tried to take interest in it. I appreciate that.


Now, for the last paragraph I was talking about. I want you to help me with this story, so you can take part a little bit in the story.

Please comment here any ideas, scenes, situations to come up for this story. Whether it be another trip like the water park, or (Y/N) goes on a talk show, whatever you want.

I will try my best to add in the most suggested idea as soon as possible into the story. I'll mention all the people who had the idea when it comes.

Even if I don't get any ideas, I'll still continue to write normally.

Thanks for reading all of that.

See you in the next chapter!


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