late night walk.

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As the train began to slow down I felt relief knowing that soon I'd be able to rip away from his gaze.

"This is our stop," he said.

I nervously stood up making sure my skirt was flattened down. I got up and stepped out. Bryan got out right behind me, a little too close for comfort.

Once we had gotten off the train I heard cheering a few feet behind me. In the corner of my eye, I saw Bryan turn around smirk, and wink at his cheering friends. Luckily a second after, he stumbled and fell onto the ground. His friends roared with laughter. I hurried off before he could catch up to me.

The sorting was fun as always but I just wanted to get to my dorm. Away from everyone. So that I could be alone with my thoughts. During the feast, I had accidentally made eye contact with Malfoy. During this half a second it looked almost as if the corners of his mouth twitched up. No that was impossible.

I changed into my pajamas and slipped under the all too familiar sheets. I dreamt of a nightmare that  I would never wish on anyone, eventually, it woke me with a startle. 

I woke up panting. I tried to go back to sleep but the nightmare engulfed my thoughts. After half an hour I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and threw on my robe.  I didn't care where I was headed but I had to get out of the tower. I've had midnight walks before but never this late. It must have been around 2 a.m. The tower door closed behind me and I cautiously made my way to the astronomy tower. The thing about wandering at night is that you have to check every corner and pause at any sound, but eventually I made it up to the highest tower.

I stood pushing my body against the railing, almost as if I were testing its strength. The wind blew against my face blowing my hair to the side. With every chilly minute looking up into the clear starry night sky, the nightmare began to fade more and more. After what seemed like an hour, I heard a husky voice behind me.

"Well, well, looks like I've discovered the mystery girls first secret." This wasn't the voice of a teacher or Bryan or anyone that would have been a threat to me. But I knew this voice too well. I had longed to hear this voice speak to me for the past five years.

I turned around and saw him standing a few feet away from me. His blonde hair seemed to be brighter at night than during the day. My heart started to race. I had to force an answer out of my throat.

"Um... Uh... what do you mean mystery girl?"

He chuckled, "Well you never had friends, that's obvious to everyone. No one knows you but you've been here since the first year. All of a sudden you walk in on the ashes of who you used to be. And now you're the pretty girl that no one knows about. You were always the face in the background and now you're in the spotlight." 

"What do you mean spotlight?" I questioned. I mean yeah Bryan was being "nice" to me but that doesn't mean anything,

He slowly strutted up to me until we were inches apart. "Zuzanna," my eyes widened in shock, he knew my name, "You're every guy's dream right now, and it's only the first day. Just wait a few weeks and trust me you'll be able to tell." As he said this, his eyes traveled from my lips to my eyes.

Before I could answer (even though I was in shock and speechless), Peeves found us and started screaming "KISSY KISSY IN THE ASTRONOMY TOWER" over and over again. Draco and I looked at each other and ran for it. We darted down the stairs and when we were well out of range of Peeve's screaming we both stopped to catch our breath.  After my breathing had gone back to normal, I turned to Draco about to apologize for almost getting him in trouble, but he was already in front of me, closer than before.

 His eyes outlined my lips and with a whisper, he said: "See you tomorrow Manders." He swept passed me engulfing me in his cologne.  

I hadn't even noticed that my feet had carried me to the Ravenclaw tower.  My mind was going over every detail of what just happened. I jumped at the sound of the eagle knocker telling a riddle. I figured it pretty fast and went straight to bed to keep analyzing everything. Was Draco Malfoy going to kiss me before Peeves came in? Was what he was saying true? Did I want it to be true? I wanted Draco and only him. I didn't want anyone else right now.

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