brewing storm.

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The school day went by quicker than most. Maybe it was because most of the teachers groaned on about N.E.W.T's. After dinner, I decided to go to the library and get a head start on a potions essay Professor Snape had assigned.

I walked into the quiet library, looking for an empty spot at a table. I didn't have to look long before I found a small isolated corner behind a bookshelf. I dropped my bag harder than expected onto the table and began searching for a book on Amortentia. When I finally found it, I went back to my table. On my bag was an origami swan. I sat down and unfolded it. Inside it said, "Same time, Same place."

For the rest of the day, my mind wandered through the various possibilities of tonight. Maybe he'd kiss me? No, he wouldn't; he barely knew me. Perhaps he'd tell me more about what people are saying about me? Then, of course, he could have told me at any time. I'd have to wait and find out.

That night when I climbed into bed, I could barely shut my eyes. So I decided if I was going to stay awake, I might as well do my homework. Of course, no teachers had assigned homework for the next day, but I never saw the problem with working ahead.

By the time 1:30 a.m. came around, I had finished everything for the rest of the week. When I saw the time, my heart almost jumped out of my throat. I put on sweatpants and a tank top and slowly made my way to the Astronomy tower.

I walked over to the railing again. There was a storm brewing. Along with the storm came a feeble wind. But it was enough to move the hairs in front of my face.

"Put this on; you're cold." Said the familiar voice from behind me. I turned around to see Draco handing me his black quidditch hoodie. I felt myself blushing.

", it's ok, you can have it ill be fine," I said, trying to hide that I was cold. His eyes shot up and stared hungrily into mine; he stepped closer to me, leaving only enough space between us to fit a textbook.

"Put it on." This time he didn't say it in an offering tone. He was demanding it. I took the hoodie and slipped it over my head. His cologne flooded over me. When I looked back at Draco, he was standing two feet away, just watching me. My heart was racing. I was wearing Draco Malfoys hoodie, and he was staring at me. I turned back around and began examining the dark horizon. I heard him inch closer to me until I felt his hot breath right behind me. Focus on the horizon, I was telling myself. Focus on the horizon. He took his hand and pulled my hair behind my shoulder, exposing my neck. Focus on the horizon. Focus on the-. I felt his lips meet with my neck. My heart was going to jump out of my chest. I wanted more than anything to turn to him and kiss him right there, and he must have sensed it too because I felt him smirk against my neck. He lifted his lips to my ear.

"How about tomorrow we meet a little earlier? Sit with me at dinner."

I turned to face him,

"What are we gonna do?"

"Whatever you want as long as you wear that hoodie to dinner tomorrow." He said with a slight hint of amusement. He took his thumb and traced my lips before turning and leaving down the stairs.

Only then I had I finally noticed that it was pouring. I found a chair and sat back onto it, trying to process what the hell just happened. Soon after, my feet were naturally leading me to the Ravenclaw common room again.

When I quietly crept back into my bed, I kept his hoodie on. Every time I took a breath, it was like I could feel his presence behind me again. I finally fell asleep with one thought in my tired brain; there was no point in denying it anymore, Draco Malfoy had found an interest in me.

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