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Draco walked over and sat down next to me. He placed the treats down.
"Enjoy." He laughed.
We sat and laughed for hours.
"Oh shit Draco, dinner is starting!" I said
"It's fine. I could go for a nap." He smiled
We laid down on his bed and I started to drift off into a light sleep. I woke up to Draco getting up. I decided to see where he was going. He got up and put his shoes on. When he walked out I got up and looked at the clock. Dinner just ended. I followed Draco. I kept a good distance between us so that he wouldn't see me. Why was he going towards the Prefects bathroom? All of a sudden the second year that Bryan was making out with walked out of the bathroom. A few seconds later Bryan walked out. Shit.

"Petrificus totalus" Draco whispered.
Bryan's body froze and fell to the ground.
"Wingardium leviosa" Draco said.
Bryan's body rose and Draco placed him on a high ledge. I tried to get away before Draco could find me.
"I didn't do anything that bad to him." He yelled after me.
He must have seen me.
"Zuzanna if he does anything to you again, I'll hurt him so bad that he won't be able to tell madam Pomfrey who did it." He said
I turned around and said "I would've done a lot more to him"
"Of course you would. I hate him but at the same time we cant get expelled," he told me

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