the morning after.

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I woke up wondering if it was all a dream. I rolled over on my side and smelled the slight scent of Draco's cologne on me. It was real. It wasn't a dream. Before I fully got up, I played last night on repeat again. Finally, I stood up, got my bag ready, and then put my uniform on. On my way down to breakfast, I took out my schedule and went over today's classes. I had Charms first. I was always excellent at Charms and a favorite of Flitwick's.

I sat down and poured myself some coffee, still reading my schedule. After a few minutes, I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked up and immediately locked onto the gray eyes sitting at the Slytherin table. I glanced away quickly, but after a second, I looked back to see Malfoy, keeping his gaze on me but this time with a smirk. I felt a smile stretch across my face, and blood rush to my cheeks.

Our eye contact was broken by Gryffindor robes sitting in front of me. I looked up to see whos face the robes belonged to, and my heart froze. Bryan smirked at me from across the table.

"How'd you sleep, beautiful?" He asked. My mind was far gone from Draco. It was focusing on the nightmare from last night as he said this sentence.

"uh...good," I answered nervously. I kept my eyes down, staring into my coffee. Why me? Why did he have to want me?

Bryan reached over and grabbed my mug of coffee. As he brought it to his lips, he stared into my eyes uncomfortably. All of the sudden green sparks hit Bryan in the back of the head. He spilled the hot coffee all over his robes. He slammed the cup down and turned around to the Slytherin table.

"WHO DID THAT?" He roared. Everyone just looked at him like he was crazy, but I saw Draco smirking at his toast in the corner of my eye.

Before Bryan could turn his attention back to me, I grabbed my bag and began heading to Charms class, once again thinking about the white-haired boy.

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