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When dinner came around, I found Draco and pulled him into the entrance hall.

"So you've decided to talk to me finally?" He smirked.

"Draco, I need to get something off my chest....this  isn't healthy. We hurt each other too much. I don't know if its because we care too much about each other or because we're too similar." I heard Draco trying to interrupt. "I want us to start again but for that, I need time and space... I don't know for how long. But I need it. You were my dream since my first year of Hogwarts and I never imagined myself saying this to you. But I just need a break...please trust me, it'll be better for us both." I saw the bottom of my sight get blurry and felt water trickling down my cheeks. I looked up and saw Draco looking down, not at me but on the floor between us. Suddenly I felt the heat inside of me. It became so hot that I felt if I didn't say it right now that I would never say it and if it wouldn't have been that moment than I would have run into his arms and whispered it in his ear. This person in front of me was my soulmate and with soulmates, you aren't always happy, you feel emotions more vibrantly but in the end, they are the ones you want everything to be right with.

"Draco look at me." I pleaded. I pulled the collar of his shirt down and kissed him ever so slightly. Then the words slipped out. "I love you."

I let go of him and looked at him for a few more seconds before I decided that if I didn't leave now it would be too late. I left him standing there, regretting every time he ever hurt me. Every time he had been cocky or rude. Because if he had just acted a little different than that would have been the happiest moment of his life.

Unhealthy [A Draco Malfoy Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now