saving philosophy.

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TW: nonconsensual touching

I spent the rest of the school day in agony, dreading history of magic. My plan was working, yes. But at what cost? Nothing good ever came out of messing with Bryan.

I took the longest route up to Binn's classroom. It didn't matter if I was late as long as I didn't have to be with Bryan.When I finally walked into class, I saw I wasn't the last one to come in. Malfoy was yet to be found. I sat down in my seat, which I unfortunately now shared with Bryan.

"Hey there hot stuff." I heard Bryan say to me.

Fuck, what was I doing? It was too late now. 

Seconds later, Draco trudged into the classroom, not hesitating to make an unnecessary amount of noise.I heard him sit down behind us. And so Binns began his never-ending lecture on some history-making ministry policy. 

Twice I had to pull my hand away from Bryan's. After the second one, he placed his hand under the desk.

I felt his fingers graze the edge of my thigh. 

Fuck. Please leave me alone. 

He started making his way slowly to the inside of my thigh. My blood turned to ice. I couldn't move. I tried to move my arm to push him away, but I couldn't move any of my muscles. My vision blurred with my tears. The only sound was a silent sob. 

Within seconds, Bryan was on the floor with a blur on top of him. Draco had seen the entire thing, and my sob was enough of an indication for him that it was enough. 

The 20 seconds of fighting felt like years. Every punch dug deeper and deeper into Bryan's newly formed cut above his eye. The only blood Bryan brought out from Draco was an accidental right hook to the mouth. It was enough to turn Draco's pale skin to red. It seemed to be playing in slow motion. 

Blaise and Goyle eventually pulled Draco off, having to push him out of the classroom. He shoved them off him and stormed away. Something told me to follow him.

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