The holidays

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When we walked up to his parents, they shook my hand and walked out. We were right behind them, Draco took my hand in his and smiled at me.

We walked up to a random can on the ground and Mrs. Malfoy told us that it is a portkey and asked if I've traveled by portkey before. I answered yes. Before I knew that I even touched the can we were in front of a Huge house.
"What do you think, Manders?" Draco asked.
I looked at him in awe. This was a beautiful house, it was big and well-kept. It was the prettiest building I've ever seen but yet it gave me this feeling like it had a dark secret that wasn't supposed to be uncovered.

Draco and I walked inside. He showed up to his room. It was bigger than his dorm room..... by a lot. We laughed and talked for hours. Suddenly he took our coats and walked downstairs. I put mine on while Draco grabbed some gloves and hat and put them on for me. Then he did the same. We walked out and into the garden.
"You know Zuzanna, I have a good feeling about us." Draco laughed.
"Really Draco, that's what you're thinking about right now," I said back.
He pulled me in really close. I looked into his eyes. It happened in about a millisecond. Draco's soft lips were on mine, It took me by shock. But for some reason, I wasn't resisting.

The rest of the Christmas vacation went surprisingly well knowing Draco's parents. The hardest parts were the meals. Having to talk to his father was terrifying, knowing Mr.Malfoy would judge me more than Mrs.Malfoy. Each time I sat down at the table my heart started racing but knowing Draco was there, helped a little bit.

Most nights I slept in my room but, some times I stayed with Draco. After the kiss it hardly ever became awkward.

We walked up to a portkey outside of the Malfoy Manor. Draco and I had to go back to Hogwarts alone this time because his parents were busy but that meant to be could hold hands without being judged.

We arrived right outside of kings cross station. Finding a compartment was quite easy. We were one of the first ones there. After half an hour the train started to move. I fell asleep shortly after.

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