for some reason.

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When potions was done I picked up my bag and stood up to leave.

"Oh I see how it is Zuzanna you only talk to me in potions. Probably because you want to use my superb potion making skills for your advantage." I heard Harry smirk behind me.

"Definitely. The only time I'll ever talk to you outside of potions is if I need something purple not black." I laughed.

"C'mon I'll walk with you to transfiguration." Harry said

For some reason we walked slower than everyone else. For some reason when we got to transfiguration and saw that the class started we decided to skip class. For some reason we decided to hang out in the library. For some reason that gave me too much time to think. For some reason thinking too much is never good.

We walked into the library and Madam Pince whispered something that sounded like "I don't remember so many sixth years having a free hour right now" But we ignored her. During the time we spent in the library one thought kept coming back to me, Harry was the complete opposite of Draco. Draco was serious but Harry was fun. Even though it was the first time I'd laughed in a while there was still this longing for the tall blond boy that had hurt me so many times. For the constant tension and hesitation. I looked over at Harry he was whispering something about Snape and his hooked nose. I chuckled and told him we should probably get going to our next class.

I had fallen head over heels for Malfoy but we needed a fresh start, a blank canvas and that would take a while. He hurt me and I hurt him. I just needed a break and maybe a huge change, like the total opposite of our relationship, maybe the total opposite of Draco.

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