the ride back

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1 month later.....
I was packing my stuff to get ready for our trip. I was nervous but excited. I got all of my stuff into my trunk, said bye to my roommates and started looking for Draco.
"Hey there beautiful. Are you ready to go to the infamous MALFOY MANOR" I heard Draco laugh from behind me.
I turned around.
"And where will I be staying in your house," I asked.
"You aren't allowed to sleep in my room every night but my parents said that if you fall asleep in my room then to let you be ." He said with a wink
Now I was even more excited. Draco and I can do whatever we want during the Christmas holiday. That's two weeks of having fun but behaving acceptably near Mr. And Mrs. Malfoy.
We loaded our trunks onto the train and found a compartment.
Before I even felt the train leaving Hogwarts, I fell into a light sleep, resting my head on Malfoys shoulder.
In my dream, I was panicking. Why would Dracos parents invite a muggle-born that they've never met to there home for two weeks? I just have to make sure I act perfectly.
I woke up to The Hogwarts express pulling into to platform 9 3/4. I sat up and noticed that Draco wasn't there. I stepped off the train and saw that he had already gotten out trunks. I saw his parents, they looked stern and strict.
Draco walked up to them and they told him something like "we will be waiting by platform 6".
He nodded and headed toward me. But before he got to me, I felt someone slam their elbow into my back. It came as such a surprise that I fell onto the floor. I looked up and saw Bryan. Wasn't he supposed to be at Hogwarts? Shit. What's the point. I mean if I wasn't gonna be there then he might as well go back to his family.
At that moment I knew that Draco was gonna do something so I backed up a little. Draco pushed him behind a wall and punched him straight in the nose. Bryan blacked out.
Before anyone noticed we stood Bryan up and leaned him against a wall, making it seem as if he were standing. Draco took my hand and we walked through the wall and made our way to platform 6.

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