Chapter 3

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      Richie walks in the house looking really worn out from work.  I feel bad. I should probably get a little part time job after school to help him out. But the last time I had offered that he took offense to it as if I was saying he couldn't do this on his own.  He has a lot of pride and I cherish that about him. He is the best big brother in the world . 

        I make sure that he doesn't notice that I'm about to slip out the house and walk up to a random parked car .  So I wait a fw minutes for him to get relaxed and sit on the couch and turn the tv on.  Sam is still in their room and Michael is still sleeping. 

       I think slip on my sandles and grap a light jack . I take a deep breath and think to myself am I insane ?! Have I completely lost my mind ?! I honestly must have but I won't be able to shake this till I get some answers. Why in the hell do I have to be so stubborn sometimes?!

      I open the door , the car still parked . Windows rolled up and tinted so well to the point I can't even see who would be in the car. I slowly shut the door not to make any noise because I don't want my brother to come out and ask where I am going and ruining my whole plan . I begin to walk across the grass to the parked unknown car.

     I start to get nervous as I creep closer and closer .  This guy is probably watching me walk towards his car. I'm scared and my heart has almost dropped out of chest and stomach.  This is the most insane thing I have done.  I could be literally going straight towards my death. I'm almost to the car and I just take a deep breath before I actually get there.  Before I even had the chance to knock on the window to see who it was . He rolled down the passenger side window .  Which is the one facing me .

      My face felt hot and my mouth dropped open . Almost as if I had just seen a ghost . What in the hell is he doing here?! How does know where I live ? Or who I even am ? This is insane. He has got to be one physco person. This is not right.  It was only 10 seconds I saw him in the library and now he has been sitting outside my house for two days.

        My voice cracks a little as I speak to him.  "What do you want?" I say it as if I planned it the whole time. Well I did but I planned myself to sound a little bit for aggressive.

      "You." He says. No nervousness.  Not shyness. And acting as if it was normal to do creepy physco killer stuff .

     I couldn't even speak.  I literally just wanted to walk away.  I starred at him for a moment.  No words to speak and I just walked away.  Not looking back and not thinking twice. Now I am thinking I have a total stalker. So I'm hoping he's not following me front step .

     Once I get in the house I lock the door and look out the window and I see him drive off.  I probably pissed him off . So this will probably only get worse . I don't think you should make your stalker mad. But I clearly have no common sense. But I have no idea what he would even want to so with me .

      Is this the reason why he moved here ? Maybe he saw me on social media and just decided that I was the next victim . I go to the kitchen and grab me and my brother each and beer and go in the living room and drink with him. After all the weird stuff I believe I deserve a drink .

     I want to tell Richie what just happened. But I can't bring myself too. So I just ask him "Hey can I not go to school monday?" I say making no eye contact .  My brother is super big in me finishing schopl. Since he didn't. He dropped out to take care of me. So the least I can do is walk across that stage for him.

      "Why?" He ask .

    Now I have to come up with a reason as to why I want to not go. It has to be a good lie. I mean the truth is definitely a excellent reason but we are just going to keep the truth a secret for a little while .

    "The mile run. And you know I can't stand it with my asthma. " I say. Hoping he doesn't catch it as a lie.

       He looks at me as if he knows but then he says "whatever"

        He must of had a bad day because I for sure thought I was about to get a huge lecture on why school is so important and how he wishes he could have finished . It is a dream of mine to finish school .  I want to more then ever.  But right now I'm literally putting my safety before school.  How could I finish school is I'm dead ?!

       Thinking about him wanting to kill me makes me think I am probably overreacting. But then again I might not be.  This has become a big fight in my mind against my conscious.

      After a long night if hanging out with my brother on the couch .  I decide to go upstairs and I get myself all ready for bed . I do the usual routine. 

       Once in my room I peepout the window and guess who is right there ?! The physco.  He is either in love with me or he is planning the perfect opportunity to cut me into a million pieces.  This has got to be one of the most terrifying moments of my entire life . Trust me I have had plenty of those with a drug addicted mother . 

        I close my blinds and curtains and grab my book and begin to read . Before I knew I was doing off.

       Forgetting about him.

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