Chapter 18

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            I'm terrified. Shaking. I have no idea who this is. Or what they want with me. What did I do to anyone ? What did I deserve to be tortured ? I'm laying in my bed watching as the strange man walks back and forth in front of me giving me a hungry look. I am yo scared to get any words out of my mouth. I'm hoping that he decides to break the silence.

         "Well it's very nice to finally meet you." The man says stopping in the middle of the end of my bed. Just staring at me with very red hungry eyes.

          "who are You?" I ask never taking my eyes off of him. I am hoping that Liam or maybe even Theo would show up and save me right now. But I am not sure that they will.

         "I am luke." He says beginning to pace back and forth again. I have never heard of him. How does he even know about me?

          "You are probably wondering how I know who you are and what I want with you." He says.

         "Well kind of." I admit. I want to move but I'm afraid if I move any he would attack at this very moment.

           "I am a good friend of liams. Well I was. He took something from me and I am here for some revenge." He says. Now he is looking out my window into the night. He seems to be in pretty deep thought. So I am the person he is going to use for revenge on Liam. I wonder what Liam took from him to make him do angry?

       "What did he take from you?" I ask nervously. I can feel the shakyness in my voice.

         "The love of my life. He took her and broke her heart before he moved here." He said. Pain was clearly in his voice. I almost feel bad and heart broken for him.

              "So your here to kill me?" I ask. Why do i ask such stupid questions? Of course he was here to kill me. What other type of revenge would be better?!

        He chuckled. Then turned to me from looking out the window. Moving a couple of steps closer to my bed where I was laying in the same still position from the moment he came in here.

        "Silly human. No. I don't kill humans. I couldn't bring myself to do that. But." He trailed off. Now sitting on my bed moving his face closer to mine. I begin to shake. I am more scared then I was before. I don't know what he could possibly want with me? If not killing me , then what ?

         "But what?!" I ask in a almost demanding tone of voice. Whatever he is going to do , he should just get on with it.

        "I'm going to love you. In a way that he hasn't. " he says still moving forward. Almost his whole body is over mine now. Holding himself up by his hands on me. I had slide down to where I am completely laying on my back with my body covered up.

       "What do you mean?" I ask him wanting to pull the covers over my face. But I am to terrified to move anymore then I already have. This is a nightmare. Just like he said he was. He is my worse nightmare at this moment.

          Just then he throws the cover off of me and begins to kiss my neck and down my body. Ripping all my clothes off. Exposing my naked body. What is he going to do to me now? I'm shaking and there is no way I can hide that anymore. I can hold back the fear. I can't even fight him off. He is way stronger then I am. I will just have to take whatever it is that he is going to do with me.

        He then take a him pants off , following his shirt. I know exactly what is going to happen now. This is the worse thing that could ever happen to me. Or anybody else. I just can't believe that I am about to go threw this. It's going to scar me forever.

         He forced himself inside of me. As hard as he can but not hard enough to break me. I wanted so bad to scream in agony. But I just couldn't. I was scared to die if I were to alert anyone that this way happening. He just kept going harder and faster. He was kissing me all over my face and sometimes forcing me to kiss him with my lips.

         "You like that?" He said. I said nothing I just looked at him with tears in my eyes  "say yes or I will make it worse." He said. So with out hesitation I said "yes." Just to get him to get it over with. He didn't seem like he was going to stop anytime soon though. Then again he just slams a of him inside me. Making me moan , but not out of pleasure. Tears falling down my face. The look if joy and pleasure in his face. He was so happy and enjoying this all to much.

       Then what I wouldn't have expected to happen happened. I orgasmed. I was so mad at myself. But I knew it was just a natural thing that my body would do, wether I was giving consent for this or not. I let out a huge loud moan. I started crying even louder. I was so upset. He juat looked at me and smiled. He was definitely happy about this and what I did made it even better for him.

        He then got off me and proceeded to put his clothes on. I layed there in agony and pain and fear. He walked over to me and sat down pretty close to my head. "I knee you would enjoy this." He said and placed a kissed on top my forehead. "See you tomorrow night." He said as he headed out my window.

        He was going to come back for more. Of me.


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