Chapter 5

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         "I don't have any money mother." Richie yells. I'm a little bit terrified. My mother showing up is worse then my stalker. This woman brings nothing but bad news. Last time she was in town she burned the garage down. That was not a good site to see and Michael still talks about it to this day.

         "Honey I don't want any. Just thought I would pay you a visit." My mom says making her way passed the both of us getting comfortable on the couch.

        "You can't stay here." Richie says walking over and standing over her on the couch. His and my mom's relationship is ten times worse then mine and hers. He resents her more then me. He says he knows who dad is and the reason he doesn't like mom is because he knows what mom did to him. He won't ever tell me that story. I believe I am old enough now to hear it, but I am not ready to ask. Plus this would be the worst time to even do that.

        "Why can't i?" Mom ask. She looks strung out. She always is. Sam and Richie don't like Michael to see her like that. I don't blame them. It was a bad childhood seeing my mom who I thought loved me like that. But she juat loved the drugs. She probably would have sold me for some if it wasn't for my brother.

         "Because your high. You are always high." My brother says. His anger getting worse and worse. I'm afraid of my brother when he's like this. But he is only like this when she's around .  I am kind scared he might actually physically attack her at this moment. I can't have him going to jail.

          "Well then." Mom says acting as if she is in shock. We all know she's just pretending. She looks high at this moment. Eyes all glass and the in and out of consciousness. She can't fool someone that knows and has seen it their entire lives. I just kind of wish this night would end. I just want my mother to leave and I want to sleep .  I have school in the morning .  I can actually attend now. Seeing my mother is worse then seeing a stalked and being thrown off a cliff by them.

          "Richie I'm going to bed now." I say breaking the silence between their glares at one another .

            He looks up and says "go ahead. I will take care of the trash. " and waves his hand as a little form of good bye. But the wave had a tad bit more evil in then I believe it was suppose to.

     It's the next morning. And it's a Tuesday. Feels like my Monday to be. Only because yesterday I hid out all day. I'm prepared to actually see him today. Maybe it won't be as bad as I think it will be.

      I look in the mirror. I make sure that I am completely ready to do this. I do have to walk to school. That's the scariest part. Is being alone for those 3 blocks. If he were to pull up and snatch me then I wouldn't have anyone around to save me. On the other hand if I only see him at school then there is camera's, students and staff all around.  Although I do believe the janitor would help him out on this one. He juat sends off the creepiest vibe. Plus I heard he slept with Susie Rivera last year. But i wouldn't doubt it. She's kind of been tossed around the entire school. Also she goes both ways.

         I'm walking to school now and it feel a peaceful. I keep looking around and behind me. Just incase. But it does seem a little bit peaceful .  I'm upset that I had to miss this yesterday all because of physco. I keep calling him that because I can't think of calling him Liam.

      Finally I arrive at school and as usual I make my way to the library. I take the same seat I always do. I'm just hoping and wishing he would walk threw them doors any moment now . I keep looking up every two minutes . I just need to talk to him. Is that so bad? I mean he's been stalking me for three days now. At least he can do is show up to the library and talk to me. He seriously needs to learn some manners.

        Just when I was thinking he wasn't going to show up he does. He's walking over towards me. My heart is racing and I feel like it's going to explode right out of my chest. His stride is so perfect. I am stunned by the glow of his skin and the looks of his hair. He's everyone's dream. Well in a way.

               "This seat taken?" He ask standing in front of me point to the table directly across from me. For a moment I couldn't speak. I just stared .  I keep telling myself in my head to get it together.

       "Not at all." I say with a small smile. I don't want to smile to big. That will give off all the excitement . I am nervous around boys. I have no idea why though. My last boyfriend was a bit of a sleeze ball though. David Baker. The most HORRIBLE guy in the entire world . My stalker has to be better then him. And he watched me from his car outside my house for three days .  The more I say that the creepier it sounds.

              "I'm liam" he said. Holding his hand out for me to shake it.

             "Hayden." I say excepting the luxury of being able to shake his hand. His hands were so soft. I figured. His skin looks as smooth as a baby's.

             "Cute name." He says giving me the slightest wink. Just rhen I reloaded he's not as bad as I was making him out to be in my head. Of course he did all that weird stuff. But he can't be that weird. 

         "Thank you." I reply looking away towards my books for a moment. Just in case all this nervousness gets to me and my face starts turning red. That's what happens when your skin is as pale as snow.

             "Would you like to make plans to hang out?" He says . The way he looked at me how could I even say no. Maybe I should hang out with him. But it would have to be at my house. And Samor Richie would have to be there . I'm not going to hang out with some weird cute adorable stalker guy by myself for the first time.

             "After school. My place." I say shutting my book and grabbing my bag and walking out the library . He can't have all the fun of being the mystery person. Got to give him a little something to think about. 

           I could feel his gaze on the back of me. I hope I gave him the right idea. Now waiting for school to be over.


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