Chapper 3

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I look at my phone. Urgg. It's sunday. I have to go to work tomarrow. But, 5 more days! EKKKKKK! I check to see if I got the ticket. NO! I didn't get it!😭 This was my chance! And I lost it. I sit down against my bed. I cup my face in my hands and start to cry.

||time skip||

I get up and decided to go out. I walked around for a bit. I see a big building and look at the name.

"Bighit? Must be a huge company." I say to myself and look in.

I was shocked. I saw a man inside going past.

"It looked like tae." I whisper to myself. I probably just am still sad after what happened yesterday. I rub my eyes. I am so sad that I am seeing things. I continue walking. I look around for a while till my stomach rummbled. I walked to a close by restaurant. I grab food and walk back the way I came to get back home. I snack on some of the stuff. I am walking towards the Bighit studio again. I look in and see what I thought I would never see. Tae was looking out the window. He saw me and looked shocked. He moved from the window.

Wait. Is he coming by me!? I look back and V is running toward me.

I. I. I can't do this. I run away trying to get back to my house before he could catch me. I can hear him shouting stop and wait but i keep running. I didn't run far before he catched up and grabbed my arm.

"Wait please." He says panting.

"T-tae." I say. He dyed his hair again? Why? He is wearing a earing too.

"Oh so you know who I am?" He says blushing a bit. Wait why is he blushing? Doesn't he know who I am? Oh yeah. I changed so much. I wear makeup and put on cool/cute/fashionable clothes. Guys seem to check me out a lot too.


"If you knew who I am, why did you run?" He asked. Before I could answer I saw the rest of bts and body guards running towards us.

Oh no! I can't get into this! I have to run away!

Somehow I got to get V to let go of me and I run. I see all the bts members looking at me as I run away.

||time skip||

After that while of running I got tired and I was walking. I see a piece of paper flew infront of me. OMG. It was a meet and greet ticket. I screach and run the rest of the way home.

I flop on my bed and fall asleep after eating my food that got cold.

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