Chapper 23

17 1 0

(2 months later...)

I sit at home on the computer playing overwatch with jungkook.

"Yah Jin hyung! Stop! " I hear from the other side of the mic.

"Nooo! " Jin yells and chuckles.

"Haha! What's happening right now? " I laugh.

"Jin won't stop freaking tickling me! I am trying to consatrat! " Jungkook yells slash laughs. I laugh hard.

"Psst, jin, tickle him more. " I whisper into the mic.

"Yah! No fair! You are supposed to be the caring girlfriend! " Jungkook yells and I laugh so hard that I couldn't breathe properly.

"Stop... Trying... To... Kill me. " I say between pants.

"Ok he's gone thankfully. Why did you do that though? You are supposed to be the supportive and caring girlfriend. " He says.

"Well, I'm not. Have fun playing by yourself. I need beauty sleep. " I say yawning.

"You don't need it. Your beautiful enough~" He says. There a pause of silence.

"I'm done bye. " I say.

"No wait I was just-" I turn it off cutting him off. I go to my bathroom and take a shower before going to bed.

I hear walking in the house. I turn off the shower to make sure I wasn't hearing things. I heard it. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my exposed body.

Did someone break into my house!?

I step out hearing the foot steps in my room. I slowly turned the handle and open it ready to fight. No one.

Hands snake around my waist. I scream and try to pry them off.

"Babe settle down its me. " Jungkook said.

"Really!? You had to do this now!? When I was taking a shower and went out in only a towel!? 😖 I am so embarrassed! " I yell covering myself.

"What is there to be embarrassed about? " He says biting his lip and looking me up and down.

"Omg jungkook! " I say running back to the bathroom blushing the brightest shade of red. I quickly changed into my short shorts and crop top I wear to sleep in and walked out putting my hair in a messy bun.

I open my bedroom door to see jungkook laying in my bed. He took off his shoes and jacket and is cuddled up in my bed.

Awwww. This little bunny is sleeping so peacefully.

I walk up to the side of the bed and crouch sweeping hair out of his eyes. His eyes open and I jump. He pulls me up on top of him.

(A/n: sitting on his hmmhmm.

"Wow. I see you are wearing short shorts hm? " He says licking his lips.

"Yep. This is what I sleep in naturally. " I say shifting a little.

"Oooh. I should come over more often then. " He smirks. I Boop his nose.

"Pervert." I smile at him.

"Oh yes I can be. " He says putting his hand on the back of my head pulling me into a kiss. I peck it and pull away.

"That was weak. And boring. " He says.

"Bitch, fight me. " I say.

"Ok. Let's go! " I hop off of him and run away. We run around the house like toddlers.

I end up in my bedroom again and I got cornered.

"Looks like the mouse got trapped in the mouse trap. You're in trouble lil mousey." He smirks at me walking closer.

"Not if I kick you in the balls and run away. " I smirk. He still walks closer.

"Welp guess you want to feel the pain. " I say nervously.

"I know you aren't going to kick me. " He says placing a hand on the wall next to my head bringing his face closer to mine. "Princess."

He whispers in my ear and I squeal and blush. He brushes his lips on my neck and I just want to shrivel up and die.

"This is.... SEXUAL ABUSE! " I say swirming around. He holds me still.

"No it's not if I'm your boyfriend. " He says.

"Shit. Well, I'm fucked. " I say.

"Well soon to be. " He whispers in my ear. I slap his chest.

"Omg! Pervert! Bro not cool! " I chuckle.

He kisses my neck this time sucking on it. He kisses and ducks on my chin, cheeks, jawline, mouth, and neck.

"Jeez. Did you just get so mad that I hung up on you to do this? " I ask him while he kisses my neck.

"That's one of the reasons. " He says. "Also for saying for jin to continue tickling me! " He bites me.

"Yah! Ow! That hurt! " I yell pushing him away and sitting on the bed.

"Oh I'm sorry. " He says and sits next to me. I cross my arms and look away.

"Oh comon. I'll give you something you really want. " He smirks.

"Oh really? " I say turning to him.

"Yeah. It's something that includes... Eating something. " He licks his lips. I bring my face to his 1 inch from kissing.

"Yay! We are going out to eat tomorrow and your paying!? That is totally making it up to me! " I say bursting his bubble.

"Wha..... Urrggg... Fine. " He scoffs.

"And here is a gift. " I say kissing him.

I knew this was fun... but, I can't keep him mad at me. He is just a stubborn baby bunny. So cute. Oh wait, a perverted, stubborn, baby bunny.

I lay down. He takes his shirt off and I shield my eyes with my hands.

"Oh comon. It's not like the first time you saw me shirtless. " He says.

"Yeah... but, it's different. We're dating now. " I say blushing. He pulls down my hands and I shut my eyes closed quickly.

"Comon. Or we aren't getting your food tomorrow. " He says.

Shit. Would I rather deal with a hot cute shirtless boyfriend... Or no food. SHIRTLESS BOYFRIEND IT IS BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING TO MISS OUT ON FREE FOOD! my case hehe!

I slowly open my eyes. Oh. Wow. He look fine as hell. Dammit. This cute ass bitch. 😆

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