Chapter 20

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(Knock Out's PoV)

"Just look at what they have done!" I snapped to Megatron.

"Spare me the dramatics Knock Out, it's merely a scratch," Megatron said.

"This isn't about me, Lord Megatron the insecticons are causing tensions between the ranks! These....savages are a threat to this war ship and it's crew! They should be confined, restrained even!" I exclaimed.

"You could not produce restraints strong enough to hold us," the Hard Shell snapped. Then Wheel Jack took hold of one of our energon mines. Then the perfect thing happened. Wheel Jack confirmed that Bulk Head was alive! Oh, Hard Shell is in for it.

"You allowed the Autobot to live?!" Megatron snapped.

"Hmph, bugs, not all they're cracked up to be," I said.

"Lord Megatron, I swear by the All Spark, the Autobot could not have survived his wounds!" Hard Shell exclaimed as Megatron approached him, and Hard Shell continued to step bck.

"Then you owe me a spark, and if it's not the one belonging to
Bulk Head, it had better be Wheel Jack's" Megatron snapped at him.

(Scarlett's PoV)

A few hours later. . .

So of coarse Wheel Jack did something for revenge, he got hurt, but Miko was fine. It was confirmed that Bulk would make it but he may never be fully functional again. I had never seen Miko so upset before (I've also never seen Wheel Jack so upset that he had to leave, well besides when he went to get revenge).

(Knock Out's PoV)

So Hard Shell is dead. Honestly I didn't expect that, but I also didn't expect him to be taken out by a human.A lot of things I didn't expect had happened. Finding out who Flash's dad was, Break Down being scrapped, Flash almost dying, Flash mocking me. . .wait, I did expect that, and Hard Shell dying to a human.

(Scarlett's PoV)

I was calmed by the fact knowing that we wouldn't lose a 'bot, but only a little. Now I knew how every one felt when I was under.

A few MORE hours later. . .

Bulk Head was up and Miko kept telling Bulk he had to try and walk. But she's pushing him to far, and Ratchet made sure she got that message. Of course, it was a message she didn't take to lightly. Arcee went up to the top of the base to talk to Miko. I assumed that Arcee was going to tell Miko, 'It's rough when someone you care about get's hurt. Closing yourself off from feeling, won't help anyone,'. How did I know that? I knew because after Cliff Jumper died I had told Arcee that sense Arcee had said Cliff said that to her one time. Unlike her, I wasn't lucky enough to have some one tell me that when Silver Speed died. I decided to go up and check on them. When I got up there it looked like Arcee had just finished talking to Miko.

"So, everything ok up here?" I said getting their attention.

"Yep," Arcee said. I had a feeling she talked to Miko about Cliff Jumper.

"Scarlett, didn't Optimus say you lost a partner too?" Miko asked but she was actually hesitant, as if trying to not hurt my feelings.

"Yeah I did, speaking of which it's kinda sad he didn't get to see me shoot Star Scream in the optic. He would've loved that," I joked.

"What 'bot wouldn't?" Arcee asked sarcastically as she headed back into the base.

"Hey Scarlett, would you mind telling me what happened to your partner?" Miko asked.

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