Chapter 29

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(Sarlett's PoV)

Wheel Jack and Ultra Magnas were back from scaveging the old base and they didn't find much. Just an energon cube and that old metal ball we would lob! Is it bad I was excited about that? Nah, don't think so. Then Smoke Screen rode in with a new paint job apparently. Then Ultra Magnas told Smoke to stack the empty energon cubes.

"I was close to being a Prime, now I'm back to being a rookie," I heard Smoke mutter.

"What was that about a Prime?" RAtchet asked and Smoke soon realized he shouldn't have said that aloud.

"Uh, time. Time to stop acting like a rookie," Smoke said.

"Smoke Screen and Scarlett were the only ones who went back. If it weren't for them, Optimus may not be with us today," Arcee said as the others looked at me.

"Hey, it was Smoke Screen's idea to go back, I just agreed to it," I told them as I looked over at Smoke Screen and they did the same. Soon Optimus came back with a Predacon fossil?! Then we had to explain what a Predacon was.

"So running into one of those for you would be like us running into a T-rex," Jack said.

"So, then what were Dinobots?" Miko asked.

"Totally different," Bulk said.

"Yeah, much different," I added. We figured out that Shock Wave cloned the beast from the remains of another. Wow, Shock Wave, wow. You couldn't make it any easier for us could you? While the Wreckers headed out with Ultra Magnas, Bee, Smoke, and I went with Optimus. We readied our weapons as we began looking around.

"Hey Bee, have you ever wanted to, uh, be a Prime?" Smoke asked. Was he really talking about this?

"What? Like, now durring the war?" Bee asked.

"Not now, but, someday," Smoke said.

"I'd rather be a warrior," Bee said.

"Warrior, you and me both. But I've seen you fight, and so has Optimus, why won't he just promote you from scout already?" Smoke asked.

"It's my choice not to become a warrior yet," Bee said.

"Your choice? So why wait?" Smoke asked.

"I'd rather become a warrior back at Cybertron," Bee said.

"I guess it'd would be more meaningful to graduate back at home. What about you Scarlett?" Smoke asked.

"Please, there's no way I could be a Prime," I said.

"Why are you so sure of that?" Smoke asked.

"Someone like me, a Prime? I don't think I'd be ready to take on that much responsibility," I explained.

"What do you mean, someone like you?" Bee asked.

"Well. . .nevermind," I said and just then we were spotted by some 'cons. We took cover behind some stacks of metal boxes as we fired at them. Then Shock Wave showed up. He shot the oil rigs near us and we quickly got out of the explosions reach. We drove after him, and Optimus had hit him.

"Heads up!" Smoke said as Sound Wave came. Bee went to grab the Predacon remains but Shock Wave pushed him back. I tried to get it and I would've gotten hit if Smoke hadn't hit Shock Wave. The three of us grabbed the remain but one small piece dropped off. Optimus couldn't get it in time and it fell through the 'cons bridge. We headed back to base and Wheel Jack, Bulk Head, and Ultra Magnus weren't back yet and Arcee was gone too. "So Scarlett, does Ultra Magnus know about your dad?" Smoke asked.

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