2. Friendship Goals

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Guys, check out love_to_read_xD 's  Cromulent for some really amazing poetry and Perfectly Flawed for some fun.


The air was soothing and calm. Mother nature seemed pretty happy today as it sang the song of joy and tranquility, the air and the leaves swaying at the tune as I got lost into the surrounding that sucked me in.

Sometimes, as you look around, you watch the trees embellished by colourful leaves, the skyscrapers glowing bright as the Sun shines, the couple sitting on that particular bench in the park embraced in each other's arms, the little kid laughing as he sway on the swing, the mother ardently smiling as her baby mumbles something incoherent to her - it somehow genuinely feels that everything is going to be alright, today or some other day.

I had always been this positive in my life and asked everyone to be, too. But, was I ignoring the darkness that was hidden beneath this beautiful cover of nature? Didn't I notice the women and children getting violently harassed by men, sometimes men harassed by women, young girls getting raped, newborn babies thrown into some trash can only because its parents weren't ready, merciless demons killing the innocents and getting away with it?!

There were innumerable things which one could mention, of course.

But, still, I chose to ignore them, because I had always noticed how the gleaming moon assisted us in the dark. There would never be darkness if there was that Moon with you.

I wouldn't ever give up on my dad. He was going to be okay. My mom was that Moon who was going to be always there, providing me sufficient light.

"Nat! Where are you lost?" Char shook my arm as she half-yelled making me stop the car. We had reached the parking.

Char and I had decided to stay at my home for the homework and some Chemistry assignments. She and I both had Chemistry, of course. And anyway, mom was at the hospital today, and she wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning.

"Char, you did inform Jess, right?" I asked as I opened the door grabbing the key kept under the doormat.

Jess was Char's elder sister. She was studying Law and had come back from her University for some documentary that they were asked to do a research on.

"Yeah! Mom and Dad had warned her to take proper care of me before traveling to France and she's super serious with it." She chuckled.

The door opened with a click and ta-dah! I was home. My home. My paradise. It's a place where you can be yourself without worrying about your actions contemplating what others would say and getting all jittery of the judgements that people would toss on you. It's a place where you can come back to no matter how lonely you feel because it's where we have our happiest memories that accompany us all the way through.

"I'm so hungry right now. We should have gone somewhere to eat," Char complained as she looked around the house.

"I have some cookie dough in my refrigerator," I squealed as I threw my Converse in the air jerking my feet away and dropped my bag on the huge white couch.

"And I'm going to have more than half, okay? Because last time you ate it all alone," she whined like a two-year old and made a decision which I had to agree to or else she wouldn't let me eat anything. And cookie dough? I was not risking it.

I deliberately ignored her and we both slumped on the couch, closing our eyes for a while and resting ourselves.

"Nat, were you thinking about your dad, today when you became all choleric on me?" she asked with her eyes still closed but making me open mine.

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