11. The Fight Club

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Some steamy, hot stuff here...♡


Natalie's POV

We reached this gloomy place which they referred to as a fight club, right on time just before the match was supposed to be started. The sun hadn't set yet, but this place still had an unclear curtain dropped on it. It was dark and few lights flickered amongst the ones which were illuminating the place.

Ashton didn't seem to be waiting for us to come, rather he looked surprised when Char screamed his name, waving at him and standing out amongst the population present at the place, attracting the thirsty eyes of the bulky guys. Of course!

The smell of sweat looming over the gym was making me uncomfortable but didn't seem to affect many people bouncing and screaming at the top of their voices, cheering the participants. The girls, all wearing minimal clothing were giggling, flashing their perfect white set of teeth and cherry red lips, making their butts bounce up and down.

I saw Ashton shaking his hands with someone and smiling lightly as the beefy man patted his arm. It seemed as if they professionally knew each other. Ashton's body language immediately changed as he turned towards his opponent.

His eyes looked focussed, his arms tough, and his body determined as he positioned himself like a boxer, looking straight into the opponent's eyes.

Everyone around me was screaming, cheering and hollering but I was feeling unnecessarily anxious and worried for Ashton. I just prayed for him and hoped him to be fine at the end of the match.

The man standing in between both the participants announced the rules and how the matches were arranged. And woah, to my surprise the winner was supposed to get a pretty good sum of money. I was aware of prize money and all but didn't know it was so huge that it would pay all my food expense for a month and mind you, I ate a lot.

The match started as the man whistled and backed off the court, the dirty ropes in three rows being the perimeter. The first punch was thrown by Ashton but the opponent didn't seem to falter even a bit. Both of them had their eyes glowing red as if they were those wild bulls fighting with their horns.

Few minutes were spent in eyeing each other and some light punches that didn't seem to affect either of them. Next, the opponent drew his elbow back with pure concentration as I viewed him like my eyes were these slow motion lenses, and hit Ashton in his guts. He flew back and landed on those seemingly itchy ropes.

He tried to lift himself up as he took support of the floor and the ropes, wanting to clutch them hard but failed miserably as he landed with another thud. His body glimmered with the sweat oozing out of his body and accentuated his oh-so-sexy abs underneath the flimsy piece of cloth. I could see the pain as his features twisted.

My body shivered as I saw blood. Blood had always brought horrible memories back that had my heart vibrate out of the ribcage. Even when Ashton was in the court, beads of sweat started trickling down my already steamy face.

His nose started bleeding profusely. My heart was beating frantically at the sight. I heard the crowd of people on the other side cheering loudly and laughing but I was too stunned to look at them. My mind was preoccupied at the pained look on Ashton's beautiful face, now painted by blood.

I felt someone shake me but I had practically become a robot. My knees wobbled beneath me and frightened me to give in. I was willing to stand strong.

The beefy guy climbed up the court as he applied some ice on Ashton's face. They were talking something with their expressions critically grave. He handed a bottle of water to Ashton as he drank half of it in a gulp. That wasn't the time to notice it, but his Adam's apple bobbed damn sexily.

I had ignored that tingling sensation in my stomach few minutes ago when I saw blood. But, now it seemed to reach up to my oesophagus. I covered my mouth with both palms of mine as I jerked them upwards and made a run out of the suffocating room.

Before Char could come behind me, I had already reached some other horrifying place in the neighbourhood. When we had come here by car, I hadn't noticed the cover of trees around the place. In no time, I threw everything up that was there in my stomach, right from the apple and milkshake I had had in the lunch break to the coffee that we had had in the Starbucks. Ew.

My head was spinning like the blades of a helicopter and the surrounding noises of honking of cars had already got deafened. I moved a little further, towards the lonely area so that I would find some silence around.

If someone would have watched me from a distance, he surely was supposed to think that I was drunk over my limits. That was exactly how I was walking, no, tripping and walking. Like an arrow finding its target, I found a tree to which I decided to lean on for support for few minutes.

No sooner did I rest my back on the tree trunk, than my legs gave away and I landed on my butts. The stones spread around the road were pricking the back of my exposed thighs as I was wearing those cute, little Denim shorts.

My eyes were slowly trying to droop low as I struggled to keep them open as much as possible. I knew if I stayed just here, Char and Steve would go crazy searching for me and so, I wanted to go back after resting a little.

There seemed to be no energy left in my body, although I always tried to eat healthy, like mom always bantered about. The wind was blowing with great speed, making my hair go frenzy and dance on the invisible floor of their own. They were blinding my vision partially.

My brain decided that it wasn't possible to keep up with me for any more time. And just like that, as the ocean waves get carried away with the air, I got carried away with my brain sleeping in, sucking me into black.


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