29. Itinerary of The Day

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Natalie's POV

Today, I woke up way too early especially for Char and Steve. They hadn't slept at all for the last night. We talked on video call for at least two hours. They gave me every little information that would somehow contribute to the jealousy I was diving into. I regretted my decision of staying back. But then, I would've missed the chance to be with Ashton this whole time. So, no. I didn't regret my decision anymore.

I told Char how different and amazing I was feeling from last few days. There was not a single moment when Ashton wouldn't crack some stupid joke or mimic Myra every time he saw something similar to make me laugh. I told her the way he looked at those babies yesterday and played with the kids. He was too much into those little creatures. I could see the happiness in his eyes and how genuine it was. There was probably nothing that made him so happy.

He told me how girls at his school were pretentious and conceited and how guys did every damn thing to get into their panties. Ashton usually didn't talk much, but when he does, it's difficult to stop him. I was getting used to Ashton and the way we talked for long hours. I didn't know if it was a good thing.

Ashton had promised to engage me in some or the other sport almost everyday as long as he was here. But, he hadn't told me what we were going to do today. He had suggested swimming or mountain climbing but then I wasn't really confident about my ankle. And mountain climbing was just a dream for me. I didn't even have that much of strength in me. I had no idea, with what in mind did he ask me to join him.

Last night, I asked him about the videos that he was supposed to shoot and upload them on YouTube. I never really saw him shoot any videos. I was really excited to know how these YouTubers worked, from shooting the video to uploading it and everything in between. It isn't that easy, I had heard. He seemed really worried from his vague replied messages. I chose to not bother him much about it.

At four in the morning, when I had just woken up, I saw a black coloured sedan coming towards our house. A guy stepped down from it and opened the door of the other side of the car. He was tall, somewhat muscular and the light that shone from the lamp at the porch suggested that his hair was black. I felt that I had seen him somewhere. Mom stepped down from the other side. But, where was mom's car? I hadn't seen it in the garage when I had come back.

They talked for few minutes. Mom craned her neck up towards my window when I suddenly slid myself behind the curtains that were gathered at the corner. Thankfully, I hadn't switched on the lights of my room. Peeping through the corner, I saw him hug her and give her some kind of consolation as he patted her hand. It was difficult for me to understand what actually was going on. Was mom dating someone? But, that couldn't happen. She loved dad too much and she would've told me. I decided to wait for her to tell me. Over reaction always has messed things up.


Today was Wednesday. Wednesday! I had something planned for Ashton from last few days. I wasn't really sure about it. But, after seeing him dance like that yesterday, he surely deserved this surprise. I was going to need to make some excuse and meet him. Maybe I could go shopping. Maybe. I decided to wait for him to text me.

It was only seven in the morning. I tried to sleep, but my mind was too occupied by thoughts from every place - the first and foremost being why mom wasn't telling me anything, Ashton was going to leave in next few days, so many assignments were supposed to be completed by the end of this week but I hadn't even started, and the list would just go on.

With frustration boiling up my blood, I finally got down from my bed, my hair in a complete mess, with tangled knots hanging down my head. Ugh. Freshening up a bit, I.decided to take a look at my assignments. I had Chemistry, English Literature, and brain-freaking Mathematics. I had just started the English essay and the ideas already had stopped pouring out. I decided to refer some books.

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