7. Ashton Out Of Your League

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Natalie's POV

“Get your ass off the fucking bed. We have school in next twenty!” I heard Char yelling.

“Gooo ..way! Nn..t goin..!” I mumbled with my eyes still closed and saliva blobbing out of my mouth.

That was natural.

Just in the next second as I was about to kiss Zac in my dreamland which had already started to morph into the real world, Char stripped the blanket off my body revealing my Disney pajamas, and bringing out exact zero reaction out of me.

I could imagine the irritated face of hers.

Please don't go away, Zac! Let me kiss you. I requested him in my dream as I stretched my hands to stop his terrorised running figure. Yes. He was running away from me like his life depended on it.

“Fine! I don't think you saw Zac’s story that he posted today on Instagram. He has got some tattoo on his bulged, muscled chest. Oh, my God!” Fuck! How could Char know that I was dreaming about him?

Because you always dream about him. And probably you said it aloud.


I shot myself up with my eyes wide opened, like I never slept and stretched my hand over to the side table to get a hold on my phone.


I saw Char smirking with her hands on her hips. She enjoyed annoying me. Ugh! Which best friend does that?

Of course, mine.

“Char, give me my phone!” I said with a tone too serious to let her control her belly laugh.

“First, get that ass of yours in the bathroom. You just have ten minutes to get ready. Otherwise, I'm throwing your phone away,” she heartlessly bargained.

“And no, wait, I would give likes on the pictures of all the people that you have stalked without following them. That would tell them that you stalked them, and mistakenly liked their pictures. Alright?” she continued.

Oh, my God, that would be so embarrassing. No!

I just huffed and stomped my feet away to the bathroom snatching the towel from Char's hand, and giving her a hard eye roll.


“I know I'm a bitch. I'm waiting downstairs. Just ten.” She laughed on my face like she was pleasuring herself seeing me vexed.


As Char and I entered the school, we realised that there was something exciting up in the air that had filled the student body with so much excitement and growing chatter in the hallways.

We could see every student gossiping with the other, or laughing like there was no tomorrow. Some even had a feeling of satisfaction on their faces. Seeing the mixed emotions over the faces of the students made very difficult for us to comprehend what was the hot topic on a freaking Monday.

“What do you think?” I asked Char who seemed to be engrossed in her phone.

“The usual, maybe. Some girl might have got one of the so-called bad boys in their panties or the vice versa. Who cares anyway.”

I didn't know what she was doing but whatever it was, seemed to gravitate a lot of interest out of her.

“Bubye! And yeah, you're going to get me today's lunch plus cookie dough after school,” I reminded her as I hugged Char after the bell rang signalling the initiation of the school lectures.

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