24. Let's Kayak

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Look, who's there, upside? YES, YES!


Natalie's POV

We all have some kind of flaws, yet we are precious to the people who love us, who care for us. And it's absolutely stupid to think that we don't have anyone in our life, that no one cares for us. It's impossible. Straight and simple.

Those people who genuinely want you in their lives, will accept you the way you are, with your flaws and imperfections. And it's okay to be flawed, to have a crack in the glass, because even the biggest of towers were built on uneven grounds, because mountains look beautiful only when they are rocky, because nature and the universe permits you to be imperfect.

But, that doesn't mean you can't get better. It happens when you talk about it to others, when you share, and let them be a part of your imperfections, when you let them in and allow them to see you the way you are. Because, that's when you allow yourself to be helped and lend a part of yours to be fixed. The better you become, the better you feel at peace in your mind.

Let people help you and you would know how much they care. I explained it to Ash and I genuinely hoped it to make him feel good and realise that he should try. He promised to remember all what I said.

“Hey, are you comfortable in those jackets?” Ash asked as he gave his in my hand to hold them ‘just for a second’.

Please strip down your t-shirt. Please.

“Yes, yes. I just hope that I don't fall in the water.” As promised by him, nothing would happen to me because these two fat jackets and the itchy paddling shoes had me, apparently, fully protected. I was sure I was going to throw away these shoes only a minute later.

“And someone was bragging about being the best in swimming.” He mocked. Ass.

“Oh, don't get me started. I'm just not sure if my feet are okay to get to swimming, alright. And these stupid shoes are biting me.”

“Yeah, sure. Make sure that your feet are okay in a day or two. I have some things planned.” Oh, goodness! He always had things to make me all excited and have my own dance in my head.

“Hey, can we sit in the boat now?” I asked as I averted my eyes from the cute, yellow structure tied at the shore to Ash. And I just kept looking. Gawking.

He had really stripped off his t-shirt. Oh. My. God. Why couldn't I just stand here and keep looking at him this creepily? I swear if we would be in any type of relationship, I would've eaten him up whole. Not that I couldn't do it now, but I didn't want him to freak out by my creepiness.

Like I had done for a hundred times before, I caught him off guard by clicking his picture. His abs looked like some perfectly arranged biscuits and his muscled chest bulged out perfectly. His body screamed “bad boy" but they are meant to be rude, arrogant and too self-conceited. He was everything but that.

He slipped a flimsy cloth over his head which very much resembled to a vest. It was neither transparent nor totally opaque. He probably asked for his jackets that I was holding but I was too busy in my creepy fantasy world.

“I'm telling you for the fifth time now. Wear those helmets, Talie,” he said as he wore his, clutching the ends of the dangling black strips together under his chin.

“That will ruin my hair. And I want to click pictures. So, no. I'm not wearing those.”

Picking my helmet from the kit kept on the sand, he started to alter the length of the strips. Before I could say anything, he rested the helmet on my head. Ugh.

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