5. The Repulsion

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Look at her! She's Natalie, the cutest and the loveliest!


New York

Natalie's POV

“I'm so excited, you know! I'm so sure Steve's going to do very well,” squealed Char in sheer excitement.

I was driving us both to Glen’s Sports Club where Steve's soccer match was going to be held in next thirty minutes or something.

Steve had already informed us that he was expected to reach there one hour or so prior to the event. And so it was Char and I who were hurrying to the place.

The team members of our school had also decided to come and cheer Steve. Everyone knew how good of a player he was. He wasn't the captain of school team  for no reason, after all.

“Come on, be fast! We don't want to miss the start of the game, now!” Char reprimanded. She was beyond control today. If not Steve, Char was going to win a trophy- trophy of the shrillest voice.

I just nodded and thought of speeding up the car as Char busied herself in texting Steve.

Do not even dare to speed up the car. You know why!

My clever subconscious warned me just in time as I dodged a SUV.

How could I be so stupid to even think of speeding? Didn't I know what had happened? Didn't I know what were the repercussions? And how bad were they? Or how deathly they could be?

I recollected that day, the day when my whole world shattered, broke into innumerable whetted pieces and left my whole family vulnerable.

This day, ostensibly seemed to be the exact reflection of that one, except it was a snowy night. That night too, the air blew across my face as it made my hair strands dance on their own created music, my mouth denying to stop speaking.

The smiles on our faces were so bright that it would have given a tough competition to the Sun. That night ---

“Nat! Hey!” I was immediately teleported to the present world as Char shook my arm vigorously.

“Yeah? What's wrong?” I had my eyes straight on the road and it was clearly evident why Char's voice dripped with annoyance.

“The club passed by almost two minutes forty seven seconds ago. I called you but you are in your own realm.” She huffed.

And look at the excitement. Exactly two minutes forty seven seconds! What the hell?

I drove a little further and took a turn backwards. Initially, I didn't find any place for the parking but then there was a car parked a little far away. I hurried as I parked my car beside it.

Char literally ran out of the parking lot as soon as she stepped down with her effing heels! How do they do that?

Those heels, anyway perfectly matched her matte black mini skirt and white sequined top. She looked cute.

But come on! We were going to watch a match and not some fashion show. It was Char. Period.

I sprinted behind her as I dropped the keys in my jeans pocket. I just kept it casual as I put on my red crop top pairing it with black jeans and sneakers. Cool!

We took a seat on the bleachers which was half occupied. The half of it was empty. We sat right in the middle so that the view was square to our eyes.

I also noticed Steve's team members sitting at the extreme right, talking to Steve, and probably cheering him up.

“Hey! What's up?” Steve said as his glance fell on us, jogging with his other team members, except others went to other directions.

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