9. The Instagram Conversation

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Ashton's POV

Glancing at the city from so much height in an atmosphere like this felt something more than a perfect picturesque. I would do that even for a whole day.

This city, city of dreams, seemed like a powerful magnet that attracted every person towards itself. Not that I was comparing New York to Australia.

Both are amazing and beautiful in their own ways. Although, New York is filled with opportunities and it's beauty was trapped in my eyes, Australia was my mesmerizing home, where my own people lived, and where my comfort zone lied.

I would think a little more than a hundred times before even thinking of moving to New York.

Today was wonderful and I was filled with  energy right from the morning. I was willing to do more workout today as I was free for most of the day.

In the morning itself, I earned some bucks at the biking race at Queens. I heard there was one more at some Highbridge Park in the next week. I had roamed around the city to get some toys and dresses for Myra, although I wasn't good at the choice of clothes.

For today, just the boxing was on my schedule and I was all set to do that in the evening and earn a hell lot of money by winning the competition, not that I was being over confident. Also, tomorrow I had decided to go for surfing.

I heard my mobile phone chime a number of times, indicating that the lost Wi-Fi network was found again and the notifications were racing against each other to be first received.

I lifted me indolent body up from the relaxed position I was in, sipping up the aroma filled coffee, and fetched my phone that was resting on the plush white mattress of the bouncy bed.

Ugh! These emails! Why do they send the same email again and again even after knowing that the recipient isn't a bit interested!

The other were of some comments on my YouTube videos and likes and comments on my Instagram pictures. Of course, my Instagram account was attractive. It portrayed me exactly the way I wasn't.

I was calm, somewhat an introvert and sensitive along with being fearful at times. But, my pictures on Instagram gave people an impression of me being a tough guy with a smug look on, a total extrovert and a fearless human who would run on a freaking running bullet train.

Okay! So, the notifications showed me that I had got three new followers and some DMs. Honestly speaking, I didn't even feel like clicking on that small circle at the top right corner leading me to the message box.

The messages were always of same nature  - You look so handsome, marry me! Love you so much. Wanna get into the bed? Daddy grab me. And what not!

I felt glad reading the messages like - you do a great job, you look handsome and all. I appreciated that but what the hell was ‘wanna get into the bed’, ‘grab my booty’, and all the d*ck talk. Like, what the fuck?

I checked who had recently followed me. Of course, I didn't know them. But, one name caught my eye. It was _charwarner_, and suddenly I remembered the girl who was Steve’s girlfriend as I clicked on her profile.

It was private. So I just zoomed on her profile picture. She was beautiful, really. I readily clicked on the follow back tab.

Thinking that it would be Charlotte who would have DMed me, I clicked on that small red circle.

No. I didn't find Charlotte's username anywhere. I just glanced at the messages and cringed at the same shamelessness exhibited. At least I didn't like the nonsense. Call me anything, I couldn't help it. It just wasn't in my blood.

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