4. Marshmallow

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Aww, they are so adorable. Can't stop looking at them *heart eyes*.

She is Ashton's Myra. She's so cute, I tell you!


Ashton’s POV

“Hey, my marshmallow!” I beamed as soon as Rose opened the door.

Myra came running to me and hugged me so tight, exactly in the way I would do if I would be able to see my Mom again, and I was elated with the closeness. My baby!

She just reached up to my belly. For a seven-year old kid, she had an average height. Her silvery eyes shone like the brightest diamond, and her small pigtails bounced on her head as her face brightened up on seeing me. She was so similar to Mom that every time I would see her, I would know that Mom was just around me.

Myra would sometimes be at my uncle's house but most of the times with me. The procedure to achieve the guardian rights were still not processed as I climbed on the eighteenth step just few weeks ago. This law-bounded thing really takes time.

Also, according to my grandfather's will, the house I was living in was of my uncle's until I was below eighteen. But, now that the criteria was met, the house got immediately transferred to my name and I couldn't be any happier.

“I missed you, Ash!” cooed Myra as she kissed my cheeks when I leaned down, scooping my arm around her tiny waist.

“I missed you too, babygirl!” I kissed her back, pulling her pigtail a little. I always did it, and she wouldn't revolt anytime. It was our brother-sister thing.

I didn't notice Rose’s petite structure leaning on the wall at the corner as she looked at us with utmost admiration, her eyes flashing the spark of love and care.

“I really can't tell you how grateful I'm to you. It means so much to me,” I said with an intention of conveying my thoughts to Rose as I stood up, Myra clinging onto my arms.

“Oh, come on, Ash! She's a cute little thing. She keeps me busy and I should thank you for that. You know how lonely I feel in this big house having every little thing but not anyone.” Her eyes became glossy as she probably was reminded by her not-so-caring son.

I just gave a little smile. I didn't know what to say and how to comfort her. Whenever she would say something like this, I would become a little uncomfortable.

“Come in, son. I will make you something,” she insisted.

Rose’s husband died when he was only fifty-something. It was just her and her two sons who promised her to be with her for her whole life.

But, a promise? Isn't that the easiest thing to be broken?

They left her here and moved to London where they set up their business, got married and settled after making a whole lot of money. They just visited her once in two years or sometimes not even that.

The worst thing was, her daughters-in-law didn’t even let her meet her grandchildren. I mean, how much more callous could people get? But then again, I had seen the heights of callousness.

“So, where did the process reach to?” she asked as she brought a plate of baked chocolate muffins.

They looked so delicious, oh, my God!

“They say it will take fifteen to twenty days more. That's maybe because my uncle's delaying it. I could say that,” I provided her with the information as she sat on the chair in front of me.

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