31. The Most Awaited

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I swear, as you read further, this chapter is gonna become one of your favourites. I promise.


Moves! Talie's moves had enchanted me like Hogwarts had enchanted me when I was a three-year old. The flash mob was a huge surprise. If it wasn't for this, I would never know how gracefully Talie danced. All I could do was stare at her like I had fallen deeply in love with her. Thankfully, my mind worked and I took out my phone to record her. I just wondered, how many memories was I going to take with me when I would be back to Australia! I was going to miss everything so much. Most importantly, I was going to miss Talie.

“Hey, it's okay. I know you've fallen for me.” Talie giggled. I wondered.

We had stopped at Wendy's. Her mom had texted that she wouldn't be home until tomorrow morning, and that she should get a take-away for herself. It was just four, though. I was planning to take her to a beach and just sit there and talk to her, know more of her funny stories and take as many memories home as I could.

“I'm just a little tired today. And my legs are hurting like crazy,” she said, exhaustion flushing her face. Beach plan, cancelled.

Taking out the money from her black sling, she handed it out to the blue-eyed brunette who had her cleavage on show. She was beautiful, though. I noticed almost four guys staring at it. At one time.

Just as we were about to sit in the car, I felt somebody shoving my shoulder. And in the next second, we were surrounded by five huge, bulky and tall guys. I had honestly freaked out. Not because I was afraid of them - that I was - but because I had Talie with me. I could already sense their eyes on Talie. Fuck!

“Woah, what's wrong mate?” I asked the one who shoved me back.

Great! It was Dylan, Reece, Jay, and two others who had now held Talie by her arms. She flinched at their rough touch and tried yanking them away. Her eyes held expectations when she looked at me.

“You bloody asshole! Give us our money back! We ain't leaving you until then.” Dylan spoke. He looked extremely angry, the nerves of his bulging arms peeking out. They were almost the double of mine.

“Look, I'm not understanding what you're saying. What money are you talking about?” I had first seen these guys at the illegal racing that I had went to on the first night here. Rocky had told me about it. And they were offering a huge amount. I had no heart to deny it.

“Oh, really now? Danny had won the race. You stood nowhere and you just fucked away with the money that he fucking deserved! Get me the bucks you little piece of shit!” Jay pushed me back with his rock-like fists.

I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. I never cheated anyone. And I didn't really want to fight these guys with Talie here. I whispered to them to take it easy and that they might had had some misunderstanding.

“You ain't understanding, you motherfucker! Little son of a bitch! You really need some --"

Before Jay could say anything, I held on to his collar, making him budge minutely, his facial features twitching hard and punched him square on his face. I could bear anything and everything but not a single word about my mother. And I was not going to leave these guys.

“Ash, please stop! Don't do it,” Talie urged. She wiggled under their hold, trying so much to get away from them. Her eyes had become teary and my heart broke to see her like that.

“Please, guys! Stop it. He didn't do anything.” She kept on saying, and I kept on fighting. And I kept on getting hit, too. Punches on punches. Kicks on kicks. I couldn't feel my body anymore. But, sure, I did hear some screaming. It was Talie, probably, because no one other than her cared, apparently.

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