18. The Church

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Ashton's POV

I had reached near Natalie's school an hour early by taking a bus from my hotel. I had asked her how we were going to go and she had told me that she was going to bring her car today and that I didn't need to rent any. I was getting bored and I had no idea what to do.

Actually, I had left hotel an hour early thinking that I might get the bus late or I might need to walk a little distance or something. I had never liked being tardy. But, as soon as I reached the bus station, the bus arrived. I was elated, of course. It was comparatively scarcely filled and I was able to breathe in some fresh air.

Few girls that went by me stared at me like I was some piece of meat while the guys sincerely passed me glares. Like I cared! I was used to it. The same thing happened in my school, too. Initially, I used to get too embarrassed to be under the continuous stare of the people around me but later, my mates made me understood that I should try learning to avoid them.

I was watching some YouTube video when I felt a hard punch on my arm. It was Steve with Charlotte and Natalie.

I greeted them asking how they were. Steve gave me a typical man-hug while Charlotte just put her arms around my waist lightly. She always looked cute to me. Natalie, on the other hand, kept looking at Charlotte waiting for her to say something that they might have decided.

“Umm, did Natalie tell you guys about the mountain biking at Highbridge Park tomorrow?” I asked.

Charlotte and Steve looked at each other for a moment and I thought they blushed.

“Yeah, she did. But, Steve and I are going for shopping tomorrow and then, we might go for dinner or something,” Charlotte explained.

“It's just a small trip. But, girls need to shop every chance they get. Can't help it man. Really sorry.”

I let out a small chuckle thinking about Myra and told them that it was absolutely fine and asked Natalie if she was surely coming or not. She was. She said that she wasn't interested in shopping at the moment. I wondered if she was also going for the trip.

Saying their goodbyes, Charlotte went with Steve on his super sexy motorbike while Natalie and I strolled towards her car. Our walk was silent until Natalie's feet froze on the ground. Andrew was approaching her. He gave me a stink eye but when he looked towards Natalie, his expressions took a sudden twist and they made him look guilty. I doubted if he really was.

I didn't care what Andrew felt and what he didn't. Natalie clearly didn't want to talk to him. Before he could say anything to Natalie, I held her hand and dragged towards the parking lot, which we were mere few steps away from. He kept on tailing us, calling out Natalie's name and saying that he just wanted five minutes to talk to her.

“Leave her alone. She doesn't want to talk to you,” I said demurely. I repeated it until Natalie started the car and we drove out of the school gates.

“Are you okay?” I asked, looking straight into her eyes.

It looked like she was almost about to cry but she was holding it all inside. She didn't look directly into my eyes but had them fixed on the road. Right. Mumbling a ‘I'm fine, thank you,’ she continued avoiding my steady gaze on her.

“Umm, do you know where we are going?” I asked with an intention to get her to talk to me.

She let out a sarcastic laugh and I wondered what it was for.

“Of course, I do. I will take you to every church around. I have been to all. For days.”

I sensed that the conversation here was taking a wrong turn. Of course, I wanted to know things about her but I didn't think this was the right time, and so I decided to change the topic. Again.

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