The Uprising

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"I am Hadvar. Sure I'm an Imperial but the Khajiit have remained loyal to us and I remain loyal to them."

"Thank you, sir." I replied astonished.

He picked me up and we limped our way to a watch tower where other Imperials were. We climbed  the stairs then through the rough the dragon crashed through and blew fire into the tower. We were above the dragon and as soon as he lifted his head we ducked down behind a pile of rubble.

 It flew away and continued destroying the village. We reached the top of the tower realizing that we couldn't get down. The path behind us was torn the bridge that led to the other tower was also destroyed.

"See the roof over at that inn. I need you to jump through the hole in it and hop inside the building. I will follow!" He yelled to me over the commotion.

"Ok!" I yelled back worried.

I jumped and I thought I didn't make it but, I was ok. I waited for him and he jumped just a second after the dragon flew by. He came close to riding the dragon, now that would have been strange. He was next to me and he gestured for me to follow. So reluctantly I did. We ran down the stairs of the destroyed inn and went to a house close by.

"Go my son, make our family name!" I father yelled to his son as soon as the dragon killed the man. The kid got to safety, thank the divines the kids ok. We kept running then we stopped up against a wall because the dragon's wings hit the side next to us as it breathed it's dastardly fire.

It flew off then we ran for Helgen's keep. Once we reached the inside Hadvar cut off my binds I found some armor and a sword. We started walking toward the hall and went into a room. We got ambushed, I was pushed down to the floor.

 What they didn't realize is that I have super fast reflexes and instantly I grabbed for my sword. I unhinged it and deflected the stormcloak's strike. I bounced back up and started to hack and slash. That was my third favorite move on battle.

"That was close" said Hadvar who was nearly out of breath.

"Yeah, almost got killed by some measly stormcloaks."

"Hahaha" we laughed in unison.

"Now let's find a way outta here." He said.

We found a staircase that led to a basement. We went down and found another room full of potions and food. We grabbed some supplies and found the nearest door out. We were now in a cave that had a couple of other Imperial men.

"Are you ok?" The Legate said to Hadvar.

"Fine, the Khajiit is fine too."

"The one that was a prisoner? Why would you set her free?" The Legate scowled.

"The Khajiit remain loyal to the empire so I remain loyal to them. You should too."

The Legate stared at him then at me and finally said "ok I will respect the Khajiit."

We found a hole in the cave and slipped out there into the snowy, bitter lands of Skyrim. We crouched behind a rock watching the mighty creature fly away.

"we need to warn the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragons and get reinforcements to riverwood." Hadvar said to me with concern. Why was he so concerned about Riverwood? We traveled along the path to the city. When we got there the city was just fine and Hadvar seemed relieved.

"Hadvar where did the Legate go?" i asked just now noticing.

"She must've split up looking to go to Solitude to warn that city about the dragon."

"ok" I replied. Why did the dragon just appear now?

"Let's go to my grandfather at the blacksmith."

"Why him?"

"He can get you some armor and a better weapon. Possibly some food."

"Ok then. What are we waiting for." I leaped up and giggled.

We walked past some guards and into the blacksmith area where his grandfather was working on something. Maybe an axe or a shield. I couldn't tell. One thing was for sure it was as hot as hell in here. No wonder his grandfather was wearing light clothes.

"Grandfather I have returned with a friend." He said rejoiced to his grandfather.

"I am happy to see you again. What is her name? Is she nice to you? Is she an Imperial soldier?" His grandfather said with questions the plenty.

"This is Dar'Jo moon-crest. She is very nice and she is not a soldier. She does live to serve the Thalmor or high elves.

"Pleased to meet you grandfather of  one Hadvar." I said trying to sound smart. "Hadvar saved my life and now I owe him a life debt."

"Well my grandchild is quite the amazing in our family. Now not w come inside and I will get you some armor, a shield and a better weapon!" He said slightly with excitement.

His grandfather gave me steel armour, a hunting bow and a steel sword. Along with a quiver of steel arrows. The armor was ok not that heavy but also not that light either. I think I am going to get lighter armour in the future. That way im not slowed down a lot. We got some provisions and left for Whiterun at the break of dawn.

We took two horses to the city. One named Frost the other Mare. Frost was a gray color and Mare was a brown with black spots. Hadvar rode Frost and I rode Mare. They were both female horses too. Hey sometimes the little things count. 

"this is Whiterun. My hometown, up there is Dragonsreach." Hadvar told me.

As soon as we walked through the doors I felt like someone just stabbed me in the back. I realized how much I missed home. What have I done...

To be continued...

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