Barrow's Tomb part 2

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We waited to hear the voice again. Nothing,pure silence. Where was this man.

"Hey, Imperial i'm over here!"

We followed the voice into a cave. We found the man and as soon as I laid my eyes on him I knew exactly who he was. Arvel the Swift, more like Arvel the Slow. I know not the most catchy but that's what he is. A strange noise came from behind us, like tapping.

"Oh ummm... did I forgot to tell you about the giant frostbite spider...." he trailed off frightened. I knew why though. Above us descending from the ceiling came a giant spider that looked as if he could eat us all.

"ARVEEELLLL!!" I yelled in frustration. He forgot to tell us about a GIANT HUMAN EATING SPIDER!

"Hadvar, crossing formation!" I yelled across the cave, he nodded then went behind the beast. I ran to the front and shot it with my bow. It screeched in anger and spit poison at me. I sidestepped and it missed by an inch. Now it was getting mad as Hadvar hit it 3 times with his sword. I shot it again and again.

"Hadvar look! It's wounded on it's back. Aim there!" I shouted to him about this great news. I shot the spider in the chink on it's back and it fell to the floor. Hadvar raised his sword then it came down on the beast's head and blood was all over the cave floor.

"Please cut me down I can help you get the treasure." Arvel pleaded us.

"Fine but don't even think about running away" Hadvar snickered at him. They probably had there fare share of disagreements.

He fell to the floor like the scrawny punk he was. He looked at us nervously then started walking to a different room behind him.

"This way. It leads to the treasure." He urged us to follow. Then out of nowhere he stared running like there was a dragon behind him. Luckily because of how slow he was we caught up to him.

"I thought we said no running." I scowled at him. He almost fainted.

"I should kill him right now!" Hadvar sneered then looked at me like please let me kill him please.

I shot him back with  a no.

"Arvel give us the claw and we will let you live. Or Hadvar can be off with your head."

"fine fine. Just one tiny thing. I don't have the claw, so I was hoping you would follow me when I ran away. So you will-" he stopped talking. He dropped to the floor covered in blood. Hadvar was holding a dagger. He didn't have it. Arvel didn't have the claw.

" killed him. why?" I asked Hadvar with greatest concern.

"I...I guess I-Something took me over, like anger. I am sorry." Hadvar looking mortified that he had killed someone in cold blood.

We went deeper in the tomb and killed some more undead. After what seemed like hours we found stairs leading down somewhere. Then we saw a man walking into the middle of a room. In the center was a lever. He pulled it down. Poison darts came from the walls and killed him.

"ok let's try to not make the same mistake." (This is when Dar'Jo speaks to Hadvar but without description)

there were three gold heads, each one had a symbol. There were also three podiums lined up that spun. Each side of the podium was a symbol. A puzzle, interesting.

"The symbols in the heads must be the answer to the puzzle" I thought aloud.

"I think you might be onto something." said Hadvar

I examined the heads symbols then aligned them with the podiums and hoped that it would work. I pulled the lever, then we both ran and took cover under some rocks incase it failed. The gates darts.

"It worked and we didn't die!" I yipped with happiness.

"wait look, the bandit has the claw!" Hadvar said

"miracles huh" I told him

We walked down a path into a long, narrow, room. There was carvings of nord symbols on the walls. We were in a nord kings tomb. A great nord king. Funny now he dies again, this time in his resting place.

"careful this undead king is going to be harder than the rest."  Hadvar warned me.

"I know" I told him with bravery. Even though I was scared myself. This king was not going to be a stroll on the beach.

We looked at the claw and the back at the door, another puzzle.

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