Return of the Dragons

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We saw a dim lit cave waiting. We walked towards it swords at the ready. Just a torch and a way out of the dark, deep, and damp cavern. We pulled a lever and we popped out at the start of the tomb. The fresh air of Skyrim, it felt so nice after being in there.

"Now we must return to Dragonsreach. The Jarl is waiting. Come on Dar'Jo"

I followed reluctantly. As we made our way there a group of Thalmor walked by. They had someone with him. A prisoner, I knew how that felt. We raced our horses back to Whiterun. I won with my horse Shadowmere.

"I win again Hadvar, beat you to the tomb and beat you back o the starting line. Ha ha ha"

"whatever i'm just glad we are back." Hadvar said with probably a hint of jealousy. 

We walked up to Dragonsreach. The Jarl was not on his throne so he must be somewhere. We saw a guard run up to the planning area. So we followed him there. The guard looked really tired, like he had just ran for his life.

"Jarl, Jarl! A dragon attacked the western watchtower!"

"What, how?" said Balgruuf the Greater.

"it just came from the mountains and ate one of the men." The guard quivered.

"Irileth, gather up the guards and meet the new Thanes there. Dar'Jo and Hadvar may be the new Thanes."Balgruuf told Irileth.

"sir I will let only Dar'Jo take on the name of Thane. I only want to be the guard chief." Hadvar said, maybe regretting his choice.

"Very well my son. You are now the new chief and Dar'Jo is the Thane. Now go and slay me a dragon!"

The guard went to a table and stated to the Legate where the dragon came from and where it hit. We ran to the front of the gates but we were to late the dragon was in the city. There were buildings on fire and it kept landing on the houses.

We kept shooting at it. I hit it a couple of times in the stomach. Trying any possible way to hit it out of the sky, then I realized we should aim for the wings!

"aim for the wings!" I shouted to the other archers. They followed that command and started aiming for the wings. I had some of the spiders venom so I coated my arrows in it and shot the wings.

"Dovahkiin Hi Los Ni Balaan Do Grik Aan name, You are not worthy of the name Dovah!" The dragon shouted from the skies. "Hi dont Orin Tinvaak Ko Un Tongue."

Was he talking to me? That can't be right, I came here to FIND the Dovahkiin. I know it means Dragonborn. When I was little I studied dragons.

"I am Mirmulnir, Alduin is my king and he sent me to kill you!Zu'u los Mirmulnir, Alduin los dii jun ahrk rok sent zey wah krii hi!"

As he was talking I shot his wing and he flew for a couple seconds before falling on the side of Jorvaskr. The building had a hole on the side of it and the Companions looked around confused.

"What on Nirn is a DRAGON doing next to Jorvaskr!" shouted the Harbinger. The dragon got up again and was walking on the ground shouting fire. The companions were mad now and kept slashing it with their swords.

I ran over to the dragon and shot it in the heart.

"Dovahkiin nid!"Mirmulnir screeched. He fell to the ground and I looked at the dead dragon in front of me. Then it started to disintegrate before my very eyes! Blue magic came pouring out of it and dashed to me. Before I had time to react I absorbed it. I saw a bunch of memories and visions of the dragon the lies dead before me. I...I feel sorry for him. He died twice and Alduin revived him.

"Mirmulnir Zu'u los ful krosis. Zu'u hind hi lost ni iidah Ahrolsedovah. Zu'u los krosis... " I said to the dead dragon not understanding what I had just said. Did I just speak dragons tongue?

"Dar'Jo are you ok?" Hadvar asked me with most fear.

" I am fine. I just need to rest." I walked into my room and thought what I had said to the dragon.

To be continued...

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