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"Wake up, Wake up damn it!"

I woke up and was greeted with screams from Hadvar. He seemed disoriented.

"Hadvar what is it?"

"We need to leave. The Jarl just got a message from Kynesgrove saying that a giant black dragon flew over to the little inn. We need to stop him! The signs are there and you know it. Alduin has returned and he is hungry, for souls."

"I know. It....I just don't think we can win this battle. He is way more powerful. When he roars meteorites fall from the sky!"

"Dar'Jo I know but that doesn't mean we can't try. Now we need to catch our culprit."

I jumped out of bed and put my armour on. I grabbed the spear off my wall and ran downstairs. I broke through the door then jumped into the pool next to the stairs. I kept running; eventually we made it to the stables. I hopped onto Shadowmere and we rode off. It is the 7th of Frost Fall.


Oo dovahkiin approaches ahrk fod rek los het Zu'u fen bel dii yun kaal!

(Oh the dragonborn approaches and when she is here I will summon my new champion!)

Hadvar- Dar'Jo I think we are close. Just farther up the rode and we will find Kynesgrove!

Dar'Jo- you have the map so whatever you say!

The winds were cold and strong. All I knew now was that we needed to catch Alduin.

Authors note:
I now have a different take on dialogue. Thanks Jzargo232  for helping me with new ideas for my book and future ones.

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