Under The Stars

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The first thing I saw when I woke up was, Hadvar. His hand was hanging off the bed over my face. I was spooked by this and jumped, while my tail fluffed up and my ears tilted back. He woke up after hearing me hiss and looked at me like please don't wake me up. I tapped him to make sure he would fully awake. He sat up straight and rubbed his forehead.

Hadvar- ugh what happened last night? The last thing I remember is....oh wait. I was drunk wasn't I. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Dar'Jo- Yeah was not fun for me. Sanguine on the other hand vanished and left behind a giant rose. It was weird but that's not what we should focus on. Today we should get some potions from Arcadia's Cauldron. Then we go to High Hrothgar!

Hadvar- Can we have breakfast first? I am STARVING.

Dar'Jo- Oh yes, about that. I asked if Saadia could whip up some sweet rolls and salmon steak. For drinks we have Honningbrew Mead. The good stuff. Also I may have got myself some moon sugar.

Hadvar- Whatever, I just want food.

I walked downstairs to see if our giant breakfast order was ready. They had they salmon steak, mead, and no sweet rolls. Those were still baking. I walked back upstairs and told Hadvar what was ready. I was cooped up in this inn for a while and decided that I needed some fresh air.

Dar'Jo- Hey I am going to go outside for some fresh air. I will be back in a few.

Hadvar- Ok. Is the food almost ready though?

Dar'Jo- They are making your sweet rolls as we speak.

Just as I turned around to leave I heard a clatter coming from downstairs, followed by a scream. Someone was....no is in trouble. I bolted down the stairs ready to pull out my weapon. There was a cluster of people with armor and weapons by the kitchen. Suddenly realization hit me like a brick to the stomach. Saadia, is she ok? Did something happen? I pushed through the crowd and what I saw was something I wish was kept in a nightmare.

Guard- Everyone stay calm. We need water and FAST!

Saadia was on the ground on fire. Her arm was burnt up and her face was melting. All of the food was ash and the kitchen was covered by smoke. It was a horrific scene. The inn keeper rushed over to see what was happening and screamed so loud my ears felt like they would fall off. Then it came to me, I focused my magic powers and used ice to cool down the fireplace. Saadia tried to see where the ice came from but fainted from the heat. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed her, picked her up, and hauled her onto the floor outside the kitchen. I used a healing spell that I learned from the Khajiit priests at home.

Saadia- thank..........you.

She put her head down after speaking and shut her eyes. I kept using my mana to heal her. I saw some of the burnt skin return to its normal self and the smoke retracted from her lungs. The grasp of life climbed to her while death tried to claw back. But in the end life was stronger and death was out of reach. Guards rushed in and put out the fire. While some healers walked in and took her straight to the temple.

Hadvar- What happened!? Dar'Jo are you alright? I heard screams and clattering. I even smelled the smoke!

Sobbing heavily with tears in my eyes I turned to look at Hadvar and then looked back at the wooden planks. My vision was blurry and my voice was squeaky but I replied.

Dar'Jo- I....I am fine. S..Saadia, Hadvar she was in the kitchen and had a huge burn.

I kept crying and felt tears roll down my furry cheeks. The cold, but salty drops hit my tongue and rolled on my lips. I saw a puddle of blood on the floor. As fast as I started crying I realized that I cut myself. I didn't feel it with all my adrenaline. I looked at my arm and winced in pain. There was a gash on my arm along with a burn mark. I hit the fire and cut myself on something sharp.

Hadvar- No no no. You are not ok! Look at the gash in your arm!

I tried to use my right arm to heal it and failed. I just couldn't pull up the strength to heal myself. That's when my eyes started to go blurry again and foggy. I heard muffled noises and what I think was someone screaming. Then it's as if I was shoved into I pitch black room with no light.

Dar'Jo- Hadvar! Hadvar! Hadvar, where are you!

I kept screaming and shouting his name. I felt lost and alone. Cold and scared. Then I was holding a torch, I could see. The room was still dark but I saw the faint shine of something. I walked closer to it and noticed it was a mirror. My face in the mirror was.....scarred. Like a giant monster scathed my face. My left arm had a huge burn on it and I had wings.

???- Look up.

What? Who was that and why do they want me to look up? Well I did anyway and above me were a ton of stars and...people? We were in a room with a wood ceiling and wreaths hanging on top. One of the faces I recognized was Hadvar. He was towering above me, looking scared and helpless. The image faded and the voice came back.

???- Now, what did you see? Friends, Family.....your battle partner?

It was a clear mans voice. Loud and knife like. The like as if the shadows formed him as he appeared in front of me.

Sithis- Ah.. you must be wondering who I am. I am Sithis! The void, death, inescapable doom! Yes you are dying. Not dead, but slowly dying. Soon I will have your soul.

Dar'Jo- Not if I don't wake up first! I can't die, I refuse to die. This can't be how it ends! No no no..... I can't-won't let myself die.

Sithis- Well you see, you can't stop death. No no no. Hahahaha you never could. Why else would I be here.

Then I woke up and all of it vanished, his words flooding my mind. Was I really going to die?

To be continued...

Word count: 1102

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