Black Star

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I was in an all white room with this mysterious black star. In the middle of the star was, what looked like, a black soul gem in the form of a circle. Weird energy was circling around it like the frost that comes off your hands while using the frostbite spell. I started to walk to it, but it felt like every step i took made it go farther away. 

I ran at it this time and it just disappeared. I looked around me to find it and it was right behind me. I jumped back surprised since this star was now hovering above me. It swirled around me and i was beamed into it.

 I am facing a strange place with blue cloudy skies. It was like clearer fog. The ground beneath me was like a glass pathway. Purple lights reflected on it from the crystals coming out from the ground. I walked around aimlessly until in the distance i saw someone in a hooded cloak.

I wanted to run up to them and ask where i was. Until he-it turned around. This was no human. It was a dremora. I was in one of the Daedric princes plains of Oblivion. It's face was all red with black stripes. It had long, black hair and emerging from the top were two symmetrical creme colored horns. I ducked behind a crystal formation and sank down into my knees. My mind was racing. How did i end up in a Daedric princes plain of Oblivion. 

I dont even know which one it was. I stood up to a crouching position and pulled out my bow. I peeked my head out again and saw the dremora standing there, possibly waiting for me. I knocked an elven arrow into my bow and pulled the string back. My fingers let go of it and heard the dremora devaporizie.

 I walked out a little ways until i heard a booming voice. He sounded mad and old. I looked around the corner to see a man standing there wearing a necromancers robes. He had grey hair, red evil eyes, but no red face or horns. He stood with his back toward the shrine of Azura behind him.

That's when realization hit me like a mammoth. I was in Azura's plain of oblivion. How could i be so stupid. This was her star to keep all the souls of the wild. Something was off though. Humans shouldn't be in here, this is for animals and giants only. 

There was something off with this strange man though. He wasn't dead and the dremora obeyed him. You have to be dead to have your soul trapped. He found a way to get in the star without dieing. This would be a major breakthrough for the world! I just don't think Azura would appreciate it though. So i guess it's up to me to exterminate this pest. I have always wanted to say that. 

I jumped out from my hiding space and just pummeled him with dozens of elven arrows. He fell flat on the ground and then a voice of a woman boomed from the strange crystal skies above. It was Azura!

Azura- Mortal thank you for helping me save my plain of Oblivion. I will return you now to the normal ground.

I saw a flash of bright white light in front of me. Then I was beamed up to the ground. Sounds confusing? I know because I am just as confused.

To Be Continued...

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