The Man With A Black Hood

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Kharjo- Hello there, Dar'Jo. That is correct yes? I am not so good with names you see. I am Kharjo the caravan guard.

Dar'Jo- Yes Ri'saad has told me. Nice to meet you.

Kharjo- You too.

Hadvar- Hey Dar. We probably should get to the gates.

Dar'Jo- Another time perhaps? May you walk on warm sands.

Kharjo- Same to you, Dar'Jo. Good bye. May we meet again.

I felt my blood rushing to my face as I walked away. My fur covered up how much I was blushing. We walked across the drawbridge and stood to the tall double doors as they loomed above us. We pushed them open and waltzed right into the city streets of Whiterun. To the left of us was probably some drunk, old, Redguard  man. He was walking all over and his feet wobbled with each step. Like he just learned how to walk, but forgets each step, then remembers again.

???- Hey, aren't you the legendary Dragonborn!?

Confused and alarmed I turned around to see the face of an amazed kid behind me. He stared at me waiting for a response.

Dar'Jo- Why yes I am the Dragonborn. And whom are you, young one?

Sun- My name is Sun. I want to be an adventurer like you when I grow up. You get to kill dragons and fight monsters! You. Are. So. AWESOME!

I starred at him with interest. He seems like a good kid, but he doesn't realize that being an adventurer is way more dangerous. Although I don't spend my time exploring the vast expanses of Skyrim, I do spend my time doing dangerous missions for the Blades.

Suns mother- Sun! Time to come home! It's getting late!

Sun-Coming mum! Maybe I can talk to you again. Well ummm....bye!

He ran home and me and Hadvar just stood there. That was kinda cool. I was finally noted as someone of power and importance. This was good, maybe if we-I was known throughout all the holds I could start up a guild of sorts. Yeah I can talk to Hadvar about it when we get to The Bannered Mare. I continued forward and Hadvar trailed behind me. It was dark out and the stars were glowing in all there bright glory. I even saw some constellations, like the Theif, Warrior, and Mage. Those were the three most famous, and well known.
We opened the door to The Bannered Marr as we arrived. There was a lit fire in the middle of the room surrounded by benches and chairs. A bard was playing some music in front of the fire and a man wearing all iron armor was sitting on a bench. There was a bar with the inn keeper tending to a man in a black hood and black robes. I couldn't see his face but I think he noticed me. We walked over to the inn keeper and asked for a drink. Then she shouted, "Saadia, wake up dear!"
Then a waiter dressed in a white and brown dress asked if we needed anything. Her tone sounded kinda paranoid and afterwards she said, "please no more questions." and walked away. She seemed suspicious and not in a good way. Hadvar was talking to the inn keeper, asking if we could have a room.

Guy in black hood and robes- You, Khajiit. Wanna have a drinking contest?

Dar'Jo- First off no and second who are you?

Sanguine- Oh sorry for not introducing myself. I am Sanguine.

Hadvar- Wait, that's the name of a Daedric prince. I could swear it.

Sanguine- Parents named me after him. Runs in the family.

I scanned him head to toe with carefully glances. I still couldn't make out his face. I could tell he was either Nord or Breton. He looked more pale though so I assume he was a Nord. All though he did seem rather skinny for a Nord. No matter, still I declined his offer for a drinking contest. Hadvar on the other hand was feeling extra Nord today because then he accepted! Right in front of me! Ugh he's going to get himself a headache tomorrow morning. They started drinking and Hadvar went through 5 bottles of wine before passing out. Sanguine only got to 3.

Hadvar- Hahaha I win and your going lose....I am ok. I swear to drunk I am not Akatosh! Oh hey there little one.

He bumped into me smelling like he just gulped down spoiled milk. His breath smelled like skeever shit and horse butt. He was definitely drunk. Then out of nowhere he started flirting with me like he just met me.

Hadvar- Hey girl. Could I get you a drank, don't worry I can buy a room for you. Ya look tired and your ears are so fluffy. Can I touch them.

Dar'Jo- Hadvar, your drunk. I can get you a bed and water. Now sit down and stop putting your arm around me!

Hadvar- No wait don't go. You are like the most gorgeous beauty.*

He barfed right there on my new boots! Well I can't blame him too much, after all he is drunk. I cleaned myself up and eventually Hadvar passed out. I rented a room for the day and dragged him up there. Like literally pulled him by the feet and hauled him upstairs to our room. People there didn't seem fazed at all. Like it was a normal thing to happen. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, Sanguine got up and walked towards me.

Sanguine- I am so sorry. I didn't think he would drink so many-
I cut him off to scowl. I was kinda annoyed that this guy convinced Hadvar to a drinking contest. Like really. The least he could have done was help me carry Hadvar upstairs. Then maybe I wouldn't be annoyed.

Dar'Jo- Ok I accept. But I am mildly annoyed that you didn't help me drag that boulder of a man into our room.

Sanguine- I as so sorry again, you didn't ask so I figured you didn't need help.

He walked away after apologizing and vanished. Like did he go invisible or did he run out because he was gone. I looked at his chair and what was left was a staff like rose. I picked it up and put it into my satchel. Sanguine was a weird man in a black hood for sure. I walked back to my room and laid in bed with a drunk Hadvar. I ended up moving to the floor because he kept trying to kiss me. Yuck, he was annoying when he was drunk. Then I closed my eyes and waited for morning.

To be continued...

Word count: 1129

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