Barrow's Tomb

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She stepped closer, her sword raised high in the sky, ready to pounce. She was a dark elf hates Argonians I bet. Used to enslave them years ago.

"We need of no visitors in Dragonsreach so be gone." she said to us trying to strike fear. I think it slightly worked on Hadvar because he stepped back a little.

"we come with news from Helgen." I told her showing no fear.

"Helgen! The place that was destroyed by a dragon! The Jarl will want to speak with you immediately." she said with shock like she had just seen a ghost. I had to hold in a laugh.

"Hadvar my son, how are you? Back from Helgen. Bah i'm just glad your alive!" he shouted with glee.

"Ha well guess you heard about the dragon." he said laughing with the Jarl. Must be good friends with the Jarl. I know he can't actually be the Jarl's son because that's what he says to ALL of the guards. Well from what I heard anyway.

"So you both faced a dragon and lived to tell the tale. Impressive, now that's what I call brave. hahaha" Jarl Balgruuf the Greater. "so you don't mind if you do something else for me do you now? ah what am i kidding, i'm the Jarl so you have to do this...I would assume. Follow me, you two are going to help the court wizard with dragon research."

We followed him down some stairs then into a hallway. We reached two doors and went inside. There was a big map on a wood board and books were everywhere, floating. There was an enchanting table and an alchemy lab, soul gems, and lots of alchemical ingredients.

"Faringar, I think I found some noble warriors for your dragon research. They survived Helgen." the Jarl said like he was trying to sell us.

"Helgen! oh please tell me all about the dragon. What did it look like? How big were it's wings?, sorry got carried away. He said sounding like a madman. " I need you to get a sone tablet for me. It's called the dragonstone. I think I found where it is, in Bleak Falls Barrow. An ancient nordic tomb."

"what do we get from this" I told Faringar.

"gold. unimaginable amounts of gold." he said dreamily.

"deal" Replying like I usually do.

"so where can we find this tomb?" Hadvar asked.

"Up in the hills by Secunda's Kiss" Faringar told Hadvar.

We left Whiterun and went to the stables. We got our weapons from the armoury in Dragonsreach. I chose the bow and Hadvar chose a sword and shield. He has no idea that I have a Daedric spear which should come in handy. I had light armour and he had heavy.

The horses had their armour on too and were saddled up and ready to go. I felt a nagging again. It pulled at my soul and I felt myself ripping apart. I saw the snowy skies then darkness coated my eyes. I woke up again in a strange house.

"oh thank the divines she woke up!" Hadvar squeaked in my wake.

"I'm so sorry. I...I don't know what happened." I said quivering. "we need to get back outside and complete our task."

"ok, we can considering you don't need rest you only fainted." Hadvar told me with not much concern.

"Ok let's try this again!" we rode our horses to Secunda's Kiss making sure not to anger the giants and their mammoths.

"Look, a small dirt path! We should head there!" I shouted over the bitter cold wind. We stopped our horses and saw some bandits at the entrance guarding it. I shot one and he went down where he stood.

" Man down, get our healer!" shouted a bandit. Then a necromancer came outside and revived him. I drank a potion of true shot, aimed then, ...he was no more. Now we have two less enemies to kill. Hadvar rushed in as did I. We hacked and slashed but, we won. I used a healing ward on the both of us.

"How did you-" he started but interrupted by me.

"learned it from the priests in my tribe." I said smirking.

We opened the doors to the tomb and inside was the most wretched of all smells, death. There was a small fire lit and next to it were some more bandits. We took them out one by one. Easy to pick off, ah so weak. We kept walking deeper within the tomb hoping to find the dragon stone.

"Hey! Over here! Cut me loose from this web!" a strange man's voice echoed through a cave.

To be continued...

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