An old friend

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I tried to sleep that night. Everything that Delphine and Hadvar said, it just makes no sense. The Thalmor bringing back the harbinger of the end times. With a power even the gods shouldn't wield. How could they get there hands on that. Tomorrow I will go to High Hrothgar to find the Greybeards.  Maybe they can teach me how to use my shouts. Maybe they know how Alduin returned and what this object of power is. Whatever it is... I hope the Thalmor have good intentions of using it. Probably not though. I closed my eyes and tried hard to sleep. After what felt like hours I finally was under Nocturnals wing.


My eyes fluttered open. I reached for my weapon under my bed, then I realized it was just Hadvar. I slowly pulled myself  upright.

Hadvar- morning. So how did ya sleep?

Dar'Jo-yawn* fine I guess. No weird dreams. Just blank.

He started pouring coffee into a mug. He sat on a table that had some sweet rolls and fish. Not just any fish though. The sent of a delicious smoked salmon filled my nose and I was drooling. I hadn't realized how hungry I had been.

Hadvar- I thought since with everything I told you yesterday that you might want breakfast cooked for you. Try to hide that drool. Might lose my appetite! Hahaha

We laughed together and ate our breakfast. Man I tore that salmon to shreds. I think I had to much coffee for my own good because I was bouncing off the walls. Well guess I'm awake now.

Dar'Jo- ya put extra moon sugar in my drink, Hadvar? I feel WOKE!

Hadvar- no maybe you had to much coffee there. Haha.

We walked downstairs and into the fresh air of Skyrim. Smells like...cows and cabbage. Bark!* I saw a kid run by with his dog behind him. Dogs. Are. Weird. I don't like dogs. (Don't worry irl I love doggos!) Hadvar had a difference of opinion though.

Hadvar- aww that dog was so cute. He was protecting his human...

He trailed off and just starred at the dog for a bit. None the less. I pulled his shirt to follow me and we made our way to the trade shop. I needed to pick up a few items before I went to the Greybeards. I browsed around for a bit looking at all the items then I saw it, the thing that I most definitely needed. Stronger arrows! I grabbed two quivers full of elven arrows.

Clerk- that will be 50 septims, ma'am.

Dar'Jo- here you go. Thank you.

Clerk- Thank you. Have a nice day!

I waved good bye to the clerk and walked out happy. Yes finally some good arrows! Now if there is any trouble I can snipe the enemy down. We were walking to Whiterun when Hadvar asked, "Why do you need arrows?"

Dar'Jo- Oh no. No no no no. I can't believe.....ugh. I forgot to tell you! We are going to Rorikstead to climb the 7,000 steps. We are going to the Greybeards. Well I am at least. Wanna tag along?

Hadvar- I don't think you need to ask that question. Of course I'll go with you!

We nodded in agreement and when we got to Whiterun I saw someone. It was an old friend! From Elsewyr. I had forgot about home in the past couple of days. My father and mother. I think I still have some sketches of them somewhere in my notebook. Then my friend. I also drew him, and a couple others. Then it felt like time froze as a large shadow gloomed overhead and I heard a heart stopping roar. There was a dragon attacking Whiterun again!

Hadvar- Dar'Jo, you ok. Looks like you just saw a ghost.

Dar'Jo- Did anyone see that dragon fly overhead!?! Hello, we could die!

Hadvar- What dragon? A bird flew really close over us.

Dar'Jo- No I heard it. A loud roaring!

Hadvar- oh well someone just lost a wheel to their apple cart. Maybe you are just having hallucinations.

Dar'Jo- I must be.

We continued on the path up the stables to the Whiterun gates. That's when I had the idea of talking to my friend. They were part of the trading caravan, so why not. I walked over to them getting a where are you going and what are you doing look from Hadvar. I turned to him then whispered, "talking to an old friend." He glanced at the Khajiit setting up a tent. He whispered back, "the one setting up the tent?" I nodded and we continued.

Dar'Jo- Hey, how are you Ri'saad?

Ri'saad- Dar'Jo is that you? Well I never thought to see you here! In the bitter lands of Skyrim! Hahaha I'm good. How are you?

Dar'Jo- I am fine. This is my friend Hadvar. Hadvar this is Ri'saad. Long childhood friends and still.

We hugged for a bit and reunited again. It was so good to see him here. Since I have been away from home for a while it was good to see a friendly face. We talked for a while catching up and sang some songs. Hadvar told a couple jokes and we all laughed for a while. Ri'saad introduced me to his friends and his guard. Kharjo was quite fit, and had very sharp claws. He smiled and butterflies filled my stomach.

To be continued...


Hello. Okay so I will now write how many words have been written in each chapter of this book. Today we hit 937 words.

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