7000 Steps

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Was I really gonna die? Could this be it? No, it can't be. Besides I still have a journey to make. High Hrothgar keep your doors open wide. I am coming to see you! I walked up to Saadia and gave all the prayers and wishes I could. Trying to leave, a cold hand reached out and grasped mine. Saadia has grabbed me and just looked up to me. Her mouth opened and started to move, but nothing came out. She motioned me to step closer. So I did reluctantly. Speaking in her soft tone she said, "Sithis, he is coming. For me! Me! I don't want to die....." A tear rolled down her eye and she closed them again. She had to have seen it too.

Dar'Jo- Saadia, I saw too. I'm also afraid. We just need to stay strong. Stay brave.

She nodded her head, even though she looked dead. I swear it here today I won't let this happen to another face. I brushed off my sleeve and told Hadvar to follow me. So he did and we took off. We went to the stable yard. Grabbed our horses, Shadowmere and Frost. We rode into the winter roads and into the woods. Dirt trailing behind forming a cloud of dust. It took a while, we even killed a few wolves. Finally though we made it to Ivarstead. The home of the place High Hrothgar. Now all we need to do is to climb the steps. I had no idea how much there was.

Klimmek- I need to take this bag up to the Greybeards. But I'm not in the shape I once was. 7000 steps is behind my reach now.

I overheard the conversation with Klimmek. There was 7000 steps! That. Is. A. Lot. How the hell can we make it that far. I would collapse at 300. Ugh life is ruff I suppose, especially in Skyrim. Hopefully it is peaceful and not filled with foes. Hadvar looked at me and whined.

Hadvar- Ya know we could just go back.....

He tapped his fingers nervously and looked at me. Waiting for a response he would not like hearing. I turned towards him to give him my reply.

Dar'Jo- Hadvar we ARE going to climb the 7000 thousand steps!

I tried saying it with enthusiasm. I guess it didn't work because my voice cracked and lowered into the state of not feeling it. Hadvar's eyes widened and he stared at me for the longest time. After about 5 minutes of his I'm thinking of something face he spoke.

Hadvar- Let's ride our horses on the path. It will be much faster and probably more efficient. Or is it effective? Whatever it will be all of those!

Ok, hold on. Did he just say to ride our horses on the MOUNTAIN named the THROAT IF THE WORLD. Which in Skyrim is the TALLEST mountain here. Which means not only is it high, but it might be steep. Therefore our horses could slip on the ICE that is most definitely up there. That would make us fall to our impending deaths and give our souls a one way ticket to death. Great idea Hadvar! Of course I will ride a horse....NO is he insane! I am not going to risk DYING to see some old, powerful, men.

Dar'Jo- Jadvar you know we have a 50 percent chance of dying if we ride horses. The thought of that makes me nervous.

Hadvar- Uh....well....you see we just need to take a couple risks in life. Ya know? Hehehe....sighs* Your right. It is way to dangerous. Let's just walk.

To be continued...

Word count: 616

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