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Kharjo was knocked to the ground but got up in time to block an incoming sword. The stormcloak stumbled backwards leaving him vulnerable. Kharjo knocked the hilt if his sword on his head. No killing unless it is necessary, that is a good tactic. We got to his position with our weapons fully drawn. My eyes narrowed on a splinter group of soldiers looking to ransack the caravan. I was right because as soon as they started to our direction my instincts kicked in and I grabbed my bow shooting two of them in the shoulders, this knocked them out. It didn't kill them but injured them enough that they were not able to fight. I drew my sword again as the remaining stormcloaks rushed at us.

Kharjo- There is too many we can't get them all without dying!

I heard a crashing sound as me and the rest of the traders ears tired towards it. A part of the wall had been crumbled. We needed to get out of here.

Dar'Jo- Well I am sorry to say my friend but we might have to kill.

His eyes opened wide and then narrowed on his next target. I turned to see Hadvar fighting off 2 of them at once. He slashed one in the stomach and lunged at the other. His arm had a gash in it which was bleeding like crazy. The stormcloak with a gash to the stomach got back up, trying to reach his sword. His back was turned towards Hadvar and he struck. The soldier's head rolled on the floor as the other watched in horror. Smoke and debris was everywhere and was really bad to the point where I saw some men fall to the floor coughing. People were dying left and right. This was it. This was my snapping point. I ducked behind some stone too see my family for my possibly last time. I have a drawing in here somewhere...ah! Here it is. Dar'Jo grabbed a photo out of her notebook and stared at it almost crying.

 Dar'Jo grabbed a photo out of her notebook and stared at it almost crying

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Her family was all there. Her mom, dad, brother, uncle, aunt and grandpa. She missed them dearly and dreaded the thought of not being there with them. A tear rolled down my eye, cold and salty. I got up ready to fight. I ran out and this time I was killing. I slashed one of the guys attacking a caravan trader whom was defenseless. She hissed and scratched but she could not get through the thick leather armor. I slashed the neck and stabbed the heart until the stormcloak laid to rest for good.

Dar'Jo- Are you ok?

Her eyes were frightened one of them pure white. She was blind in her left eye which made her more vulnerable to be attacked. I helped her up in my arm as she was shaking. I had just killed someone but she seemed to be concentrated on something other than me or the corpse. Her fellow trader was on the floor covered in blood. He looked at her and tried to stand but collapsed back to his place. She fell to her knees and landed to the side of him. She hugged him and was on tight. He hugged her back as his hand slowly fell to the ground. The trader had died and his friend was crying even harder. She looked at him then at the hole in his heart. She got up drenched in tears and told me to keep on fighting.

I turned to Kharjo then to Hadvar. Hadvar was taking on one of them by keeping her distracted. She lunged but missed and Hadvar stabbed her in the leg. Kharjo was getting beat down. One stormcloak was shooting arrows while 2 others were slashing at him. I ran to him and killed the archer. This got the attention of one of the stormcloaks fighting him. He charged at me and hit my hand. I dropped my sword and saw bloody cuts all over. I hadn't noticed all my wounds because of my adrenaline. I looked at him with the most hatred ever. Then she lunged with her claws striking him in the face.

He screamed and charged again. She was prepared and side stepped as he lunged out his sword. This made his hand open for her claws. She brought down her claws which glowed blue and orange. She ripped off the soldier's hand and blood spilled all over. He fell to the ground unconscious as I went for the kill to end his suffering. I picked up my sword and stabbed him in the head instantly putting him to sleep. I turned to where Kharjo was and a ghost of some sort was attacking the stormcloak who was after Kharjo. This ghost was glowing the same way my claws were. I looked at myself and saw I was wearing some ethereal armor on top of my other armor. I was also healing faster than ever before.

Hadvar- What manner of power are you using?

At looked around me and stormcloaks gathered around looking at me with their weapons drawn. I was using some kind of power that I had just realized made me stronger, faster. I heard the heartbeats of the people around me. I saw the breaths of the people. I then held out my hands which made a couple people freak out and stand back. Then I closed my eyes and heard the ripping sound of a portal. Opening her eyes two glowing blood red dremora lords were standing in front of her combat ready.

To be continued...

Ha ha ha. I made a RWBY reference. Well anyway on to the word count!

Word count: 956

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