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We started up the stairs to High Hrothgar. It's castle walls looming over us in all its glory. The bitter air hit my back and I felt my spine curl up. I didn't care though. We were here, the place no one goes. The place that is home to the mysterious yet powerful Greybeards. I set Klimmek's supplies in a giant chest in the front of the castle and went up to the doors. I put my hand out to open it then retreated.

Hadvar- Dar'Jo do not hesitate. It's fine. Go in.

I put my hand back on the door and opened it up. It echoed through the palace walls which were empty. Where were the Greybeards? I walked in cautiously, ready to draw my bow. When out of the shadows walked a man in grey robes. I pulled my bow and drew my arrow in case they tried to attack me.

???- AHHH! Fus!

I was pushed back and my bow nearly was blown out of my hand. I realized in an instant that he was a Greybeard. He had shouted at me and the only people in Skyrim who can do that are me, Ulfric, and the Greybeards. Disregarding dragons of course because that's how they talk.

Dar'Jo- My apologies sir. Since it seemed so empty in here I assumed something bad happened. May I ask who you are? I know you are a Greybeard. I mean name.

Arngeir- I am master Arngeir. The voice of the Greybeards.

Dar'Jo- It is with my deep apologies, master Arngeir.

I stood up and bowed down. Then my ear tilted to the side as a heard banging coming from the door. The door was open and Hadvar was trying to get in. The problem was he couldn't. The Greybeards must've put an enchantment on the door to keep people out. Then how did I get in?

Arngeir- Well you can stand now Dragonborn. Your friend can not come in since he does not have as much power as you.

Dar'Jo- Please open up the door. I want him to come in instead of freezing out there.

Arngeir- Fine. He may enter the palace.

The door opens and Hadvar fell in trying to punch the door open. He fell on his face while his fists punched the ground and collapsed. I started laughing while he got up and brushed him self off. Still laughing I walked over to him and tried to say, "the Greybeards put a keep out....hahaha.....weak mortals....hahahaha." He looked at me unamused 😒 while I tried my hardest to stop laughing. I eventually stopped and looked up to where Arngeir was standing. Behind him were the other Greybeards and I introduced Hadvar to Arngeir.

Arngeir- This is master Borris and this is master Wulfgar. Where is- oh there you are. This is master Einarth.

Hadvar then keeping track of the names but still looked confused. Also I noticed that all of them had grey beards! What a coincidence, that's why they call themselves that. Well since Arngeir is the speaker for the rest of them, is he the grand master?

Dar'Jo- Excuse me master Arngeir but are you the grand master?

Arngeir- No I am simply just the voice of the Greybeards. Paarthurnax is the grand master. He lives up in the Throat of the World.

This Paarthurnax fellow sounds quite strange. He lives up in a mountain, like would do that? For some reason I wondered what race he was. Does t he also have a grey beard? Some races don't have beards so I needed to know. I sound kinda weird but whatever.

Dar'Jo- Sorry if this sounds weird but what race is Paarthurnax?

Arngeir- That is a strange question, but I understand why you would ask. He is a dragon.

My jaw dropped and eyes grew wide. Paarthurnax is a dragon! How could they speak to a dragon. They do not speak Nordic. Or maybe they do, but how? He noticed my expression and giggled then he told us to follow him. We walked into a room that had a diamond shaped floor pattern in the middle. He told me to step in the middle of the diamond and have Hadvar stay to the side.

Arngeir- First to test that you really are Dragonborn we need to taste your voice. Shout at the wall in front of you.

I did as was told and shouted the word, Fus. The wall crumbled a bit but master Einarth used a spell to fix it. Arngeir spoke again and had me go to the fixed wall. Dragonborn in training, that's what I was. Wonder what his next test will be. To kill a dragon, maybe fight off an army of trolls. Or he might lecture me on how to use my powers "wisely". We will see.

To be continued...

Word count: 818

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