Fire beats Ice

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We started to walk across the bridge that led to the 7000 steps. When suddenly Klimmek turned to us and asked if we wanted to help take supplies up to High Hrothgar. I guess we should I mean like he is older, so he might not be able to make the long trip. I nodded and grabbed the bag. Now our journey begins. It's the 10th of Frostfall. Funny my birthday is coming up. Feels like a longtime ago when I last had a birthday with family and friends. Anyway we continued on the stairs up the snowy mountain. Then the howling, the wolves. They howled and growled and were ready to pounce. We saw them as they saw us, and charged. I grabbed my bow and shot them. One got to close to Hadvar and bit his hand.


I ran towards him but he held his own and killed the wolf. He stabbed it right in the chest, turned the sword and pulled it back up. He grabbed his blade wiper and cleaned off the blood. That was close, we could have been wolf lunch if we didn't see them. I grabbed his hand for closer inspection and it seemed fine. The wolf had not as bitten as hard considering the fact it was easy to get it off of him. So he was fine but still needed a bandage. We ripped a piece of cloth from our extra clothing and bandaged it up. Then we picked up our bags and took off. On the trail we saw some people meditating on some stone slabs. As we reached some more flat land we couldn't see the next set of stairs. So I walked back to the lady and asked her where to go.

Dar'Jo- Umm...sorry but can you tell us where the next set of stairs are? I can't see it from here.

Lady- Oh. So you need to know where to go, I am right yes? Well just keep going forward and go down the hill.

Dar'Jo- Thank you, ma'am.

Lady- Oh and one more thing! Watch for the frost troll.

Hadvar- Wait what? Frost troll! Umm Dar that doesn't sound good...

Dar'Jo- I know. Maybe we can avoid it. But we need to get to the Greybeards. Now let's keep going.

We trudged through a thick patch of snow and went down the hill. Then we saw the next set of stairs, it was a long set though. No matter, we climbed up to the top until I saw it and pulled Hadvar behind a rock. The Frost Troll was standing there in his cave almighty. There were skulls around him and a recently killed man. Then the blood, it was everywhere! The troll was standing there covered in blood. We had to thing of a plan to get past it or we could attempt to  kill it. Hmmm wait! Trolls hate fire. That have a weakness to it, especially a frost one! Ok so that's a lead.

Dar'Jo- Hadvar do you have a fire bow?

Hadvar- Yeah, why?

Dar'Jo- You didn't see the troll up ahead. Wow. Ok well there is a troll up ahead and we need fire to kill it. I know a fireball spell. Use your bow and I will use fireball.

Hadvar- Wait a troll?! Ok...uh...yeah you do your thing and I will do mine.

Dar'Jo- 3....2.....1.....go!

We ran out and Hadvar shot it with an arrow. I shot a fire ball at it. The fire burning the troll as it roared at us and charged. I shot some fireballs and it staggered back almost falling over we kept repeating then I grabbed two swords rand towards it and jumped. I landed behind it and stabbed it in the neck ripping its head off. Hadvar walked towards me and gave me a high five. We kept walking up the stairs only to find the castle of the Greybeards, High Hrothgar.

To be continued...


Sorry this chapter is short. I am on vacation so I write in my free time but I didn't feel like writing anything longer. Well I'm pretty sure anyone who plays Skyrim knows where this is going. Anyway on to the word count.

Word count: 712

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