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Puny mortal. She doesn't even speak like us. She knows not of what she speaks. She can saw our words but not understand them to the fullest. Now she has killed one of my champions! She will perish by my claw. How dare her take the name of dovah.

Numinex is my next target to revive. He was a great warrior, still is even in death. May his skeleton walk Nirn again. I unfurled my wings, covering the night sky. I leaped up and took to the air, feeling the wind through my horns.

The ancient dragon tomb is near Kynesgrove. A little inn close to Windhelm. Oh the terror in their eyes will be delightful. I flew from Sovngarde into Skyrim. Dragons have a natural sense of direction. 

Windhelm is north, Kynesgrove is south of there. I mapped out the directions in my mind. Oh the Dovahkiin has no idea what is coming.

To be continued...

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