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Dar'Jo POV

When I woke up I heard a loud knocking on our door. I looked around for my weapon and spotted it on a table in the corner of the room, gleaming in the candlelight that was next to it. I picked it up and put it on my back in case these people knocking were bad. I woke up Dree'Fa and Ronaaz and told them to ready their weapon behind me. Carefully we approached the door to see who it was. I opened it slowly enough so I could peak at who it was and close it quick if I had to. I opened the door wider to reveal Hadvar with his new friends he had made from Solitude.

Dar'Jo- Hadvar! It's been a while, like 3 weeks. Come in, come in. Hey guys it's my friend!

I shouted to my people who had swords pulled out behind objects in the room. They came out and saw the other group of people in the doorway. They withdrew their weapons and greeted them with friendly smiles. We decided that we should rent a room at the Drunken Huntsman and at the Bannered Mare. We walked into the Drunken Huntsman and rented the room they had for 10 septims. Hadvars group stayed there and my group got the room at the Bannered Mare. Me and Hadvar went back to my house and stayed the night there.

Hadvar- How do you think we are to get to Alduin?

Dar'Jo- I am not sure how we get to him or how to stop him yet but we will figure it out.

That night me and the rest of our friends lied in bed thinking of ways to reach Alduin. One way or another he will die and his blood will be on our swords. I waited until Hadvar fell asleep so I would put on some clothes since I'm in my under clothes. I put on a cream colored shirt, brown pants and green arm bands. I put on my amulet of Arkay and grabbed my bow and some arrows. I snuck out the door and walked to the city gates where Shadowmere would be waiting at the stables for me. I arrived and jumped on her back after feeding some apples to her. We rode off into the black night while the stars watched me from above. The light from Masser and Secunda shined down upon Nirn and on the peak of the tall mountains that loomed far above me.

Me and Shadowmere arrived at a shrine of Talos that is hidden in the vast fields outside Whiterun. I hopped off Shadowmere to walk over to the shrine. I sat down in a praying position while keeping my head down in my arms with my eyes closed. I prayed that we might find a way to Alduin so that we may fulfill our quest once and for all. I prayed that we would have enough food and water for our journey and that we would all become good friends. I stood up and sat down at the top of a hill that was next to the shrine. It was overlooking a beautiful pond with a single, glowing, purple tree. Surrounding the area next to it was a foggy pond which glistened in the light of the moons.

I lied my head down on the soft nirn(its like saying "on the soft earth but that doesn't exist in tes(the elder scrolls) lore)below me as I looked up to see a plethora of shiny white stars dotting the sky. It was nice and relaxing while it lasted. That's when I heard the sound of growling in the thick brush a little ways from the hill I was on. I slowly grabbed out my bow and used my Night Eye vision to see the enemy or enemy's. It was a pack of wolves readying to pounce on me. I again slowly got an arrow knowing that they didn't know I saw them yet so I pulled it all the way back and just moved my bow back and forth. Then when the time was right I shot at the biggest wolf I saw. It was all black just like the nighttime sky but it had a crescent moon on its front right leg shoulder. Then the other 2 wolves finally ran at me as I unequipped my bow. I used my claws to finish the other smaller ones off. The first one jumped at my neck and I grabbed it with my claws sinking deeper into its head before I ripped it off. Blood was all over the place and I saw some bone even that had dropped on the ground. The second one jumped on my back knocking me to the ground.

He had bitten my left arm and ,add me wince in pain. I was bleeding and hurt which made it hard for me to fight but I still did. He was off my back at this point and was circling me. I stood up to face him and he jumped really high in the air just missing my head but his back foot scratched my face leaving three claw marks in the middle which would make for some pretty cool battle scars. He circled back around for his next attack but this time I charged. I went on all fours and ran at him like I was a saber tooth. I jumped on top of him and bit into his neck while he started to cry in pain. I released my teeth and slashed his heart making him drop dead almost instantly. I stood up again only to see a man who wore a giant shock on his face. I assumed he was just some little old farmer. He had ragged brown trousers on without a shirt which exposes a lot of his black chest hair.

His expression quickly changed form until it was no longer a normal face. It was contorted and hideous with shiny white teeth. I then came to the realization that his face of shock wasn't from seeing me tear apart a wolf. It was because the wolf i had killed was his friend. He is a werewolf. He howled into the air as the rest of his dark night fur built onto his back. You could hear his bones growing and see his trousers growing too big for his wolf legs. He had long, sharp claws along his back feet and hands. I locked eyes on the most vulnerable spot, his back. He was hunched over so it would be extremely difficult to throw me off his back. I sprinted a decent bit away from his side. 

He was faster though and turned to his side running right up next to me. He stared me square in the eyes and threw his claws at me. I turned around to see them coming towards my face and shouted, "Fus, RO DAH!!". He flung backwards but not before he scratched my face and nicked a chunk of my ear off. I was tired, bloody and a mess. I could see my breath in the bitter air. I was on the ground trying to gain strength again after the two battles. Then he came back as fast as anything ever and grabbed me by the throat. He stared me in the eyes for at least a minute straight and threw me on the ground. The last thing i saw before it all went black was those eyes of a beast and the furry cloak of that werewolf. I saw a star in front of me. I was in an all white room with this mysterious black star. In the middle of the star was, what looked like, a black soul gem in the form of a circle.


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