We are here

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I was walking around the market district looking for men and woman who had s9me kind of fighting prowess. Then I layer my eyes on a rather strange looking Argonian whom had leather armor on with dual ebony swords. Next to her was a dog that was ready to pounce her enemy at any time. I walked up to her with a nice smile and asked for her name.

Dree' Fa- My name is Dree'Fa. What of yours, Khajiit?

Dar'Jo- My name is Dar'Jo. I have some rather different questions to ask you. If I have consent.

Dree' Fa- Yes of course. What are these questions?

I asked her how skilled in battle she is and if she is willing to fight for a cause without anything in return. I had also asked her fight style and how well she worked in groups. Dree' Fa was a spirit willing to fight to protect the place where her house isn't, but her home is without payment. She was honored to fight along side me and agreed to join our guild. She is also skilled in the art of speech and uses dual swords and a bow. I walked forward towards the next person who I assumed was a good fighter and she followed without having me to tell her. Her dog was behind her as well which was better for fighting Alduin.

We walked up to a Khajiit who was wearing a black cloak and hood with red on the shoulders and chest. With a seemingly odd black handprint on the red rim of his hood. His tail was a lot more puffed up than a normal Khajiit. I went up to him to ask his name and saw his long, narrow snout sticking out. This was no Khajiit. Now the real question is what was this humanoid?

???- Hey, you're the Dragonborn right? Well I guess you are more observant than the others in this town. Heh. Well just by the expression and the way your ears tilt I would say you are confused on what race I am. Follow me.

I followed him into a dark area near the back of my house. He surveyed the area to make sure we were in the clear. I assured him that Dree' Fa could keep secrets.

Ronaaz- Well first off my name is Ronaaz or Arrow. I am one of the last of....of Lilmothiit. They are a fox race of humanoid.

We just stared at him in shock. This was one of the most rare of races found in all of Tamriel. They went to near extinction in High Rock. The homeland of the Bretons which was also home to his race.

Dar'Jo- We promise not to tell your little secret, right Dree' Fa?

Dree' Fa-Yeah. Me and Vix promise not to tell. Oh my dog is Vix. Sorry for not introducing him earlier.

Vix barked and licked his owner which scratched his head in return. Then I asked him what his weapon was and if he would be willing to join our cause. He agreed and told us he was great in conjuring things from the plains of oblivion. He is also skilled with his two glass daggers. I started off again to try and find some more interesting looking mercenaries. Ones that I would not need money to sway. We walked around for a bit, then as time flew by it was almost dark. This was the end of our search. Now we needed a place to rest. I invited all of them to my place so we could set up headquarters there.

Hadvar POV

I rode Frost to the stables because I knew she would get way too tired from walking all the way to Solitude. Instead I walked up to the carriage and asked the man who drove it if I could get a ride to Solitude. He told me to pay 20 septims. I payed up and hopped in the back. We went really fast for a 2 day ride. When I finally arrived in Solitude my old friend, Mjullnir, greeted me with a drink at the tavern and a hug. I asked if there was anyone here willing to fight for our cause.

Mjullnir- Look around for some of the more shady looking people. Sometimes they can come in handy.

Hadvar- Thank you old friend! I will not forget your kind service.

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