Chapter 37: The End of the Awa Arc

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Jae-ha's POV

It hadn't been long since I left Yona and the kid, but I had been tipped off that Kumuji was on a nearby boat. Because of this, I was currently searching the boats around the one that housed the  girls.

There was another issue, though. Midori wasn't with any of the girls. According to Yona, Midori hadn't been with them since they split up in the shop . . . Which meant that she possible couldn't  even be on the water right now, " . . . Where did you go?"


I had gotten to the last boat within the range of being right around the 'cargo' boat. Here, there was already many of my comrades, so I was able to get to the lower deck. 

There, a whisper, "Jae-ha!" I turn to see one of my comrades behind the stairs I had just jumped down, "The guards said that the painting there led to a room that Kumuji was supposed to be in, but I haven't had the chance to check yet."

Seeing my chance, I answered, "I'll check it out. Thanks."


"A secret room," I said with a scoff, "I can't believe that I didn't think of that."

I move the painting to the side and stepped into the hole provided. By the time I got there, I soon realized that my target wasn't here . . . well, my initial target anyway.

I seen a crumpled form sitting in a pool of what I could only assume was their own blood. I came closer, "Oi!" I was trying to see if they were still alive. At first, I thought that I was going to be unable to get an answer to my question, but I noticed the figure trying to look up at me but failing miserably.

The only reason that I actually saw the movement was because their head suddenly dropped. The movement was the only thing I needed to see before I completely launched myself into helping them out of their binds, "Are you . . . alright . . ?"

A cough came from the figure and their lips moved, but I couldn't hear them. Just as I was about to voice that thought, I began to hear the words, " . . . ob. . . viously . . . not . ."

The figure was completely naked, and very battered. I looked around the room - through the drawers - for anything to clothe them with. Quite obviously, the figure was a woman. That, and her scars were very prominent, and she was in no shape to actually do anything, "What happened to you?"

She coughed, but other than that, there was no response.

I finally found her a long enough top that would cover everything it needed to, "I found you some clothes. I need you to not move so I can break your chains."

Still no response, but no movement, so I sound my foot and smashed the chains. Unfortunately, that was the only thing keeping her up, so I quickly grabbed her to keep her from hitting the ground, "Here, I brought you the clothing."

She was still breathing, so I was able to coax her into the top. By the time that I finally got her decently dressed, I took a good look at her. Her hair was matted with blood, so there was no discernible color there except the red, so I could only assume her hair was light. Her skin was littered with new wounds that would most likely scar, but that didn't seem to concern her. 

Finally, I was able to get to my senses, I still needed to find Kumuji, "I'll get you to my comrade, but I need to find Kumuji."

A nod was all I received from her, but as we were walking out, she muttered, " . . . he le . . . ft . . . through . . . there," we were walking through the secret passageway, but had stopped halfway at a fork in the road, " . . . I . . . seen him . . . leave . . . " I was anxious to follow after, but I couldn't leave the girl in this state, at least, thats what I thought, ". . . I'll . . . be fine . . . I've sur . . . survived this . . . long . . . go . . ."

Looking at her one last time, I nodded, letting her maneuver on her own. When I got to Kumuji, I'd definitely pay him back for her as well, "Good luck."

" . . . You . . . too . . ."


Midori's POV

" . . . Heh . . ." I shook my head as Jae-ha disappeared from my sight, " . . . I . . . must look . . . like hell if . . . if he . . . didn't recognize me . . ." I leaned on the wall of the passageway and began walking in the opposite path from the one Jae-ha went down. If I heard him right, then there should be someone on our side on this boat.

As I push back the cloth over the opening, I am greeted, but I wasn't the one expected, " Jae . . . ha. . ? Oh, I'm sorry, have you seen my -?"

"Yeah," I said softly, "There was . . .  a path he took . . . after . . . saving me. . ."

He nodded, "I see . . ." I walked over to the mirror that was hanging on the wall to my right, "Where are you - ?"

I cursed when I seen my reflection, "No wonder . . . he didn't . . . recognize . . ."

From the reflection of the mirror, I seen realization cross my comrade's face, "Midori?!"

I turn and smile, "Hi."

As he came closer, he asked many questions about my well being, but I was too busy trying to stay awake and conscious to pay attention. In fact, I couldn't even hear him anymore. 

 . . . That's actually a bit concerning . . .


3rd person POV

While the concerned pirate was trying to asses his comrade's health, the dawn was starting to break upon the fighting.

With it, came the defeat of Yan Kumuji at the hands of Yona.

As the sound of cheers erupted from the pirates, the battling completely ceased. Without Kumuji, there was no reason to keep fighting for him. 

As the win began to reach the ears of Midori and her comrade, she began to relax. Due to the sudden relaxation, her body stopped running on adrenaline, and she suddenly collapsed into the arms of her companion.



I was hoping that this would turn out a bit better, but I think it sums up everything that happened.

So, the Awa arc is now almost over! What will Midori do now? Will she be able to fix her relationships? How worried are Yoon and Yona and Jae-ha (because Midori was so unrecognizable)?? (Hint: It's a lot, but that will be addressed probably next chapter)

Anyway, thanks for reading this and leaving comments! I love to see them! 

Also, sorry for the cliffhangers . . . unless I point it out, usually I don't mean to do it

I hope you enjoyed it!


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