Chapter 39: Telling Some People is the First Step Towards Recovery

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Midori's POV

I froze . . . what? Lost my memory? A sigh came from the woman in front of me, "When we got you back, you were dangerously low on blood. The - the crew member who brought you to us said you had recognized him and Jae-ha, but . . . but you passed out on him." I looked to her - afraid of what this could mean, "We called in a doctor immediately and discretely - we didn't want to worry your comrades who were traveling with you, two of which were your brothers."

I looked down, trying to process the information, "Wait - wait, you're saying I was traveling. And that I was doing it with two of my brothers? I have brothers?" Something within me was very sad that I forgot something important.

A comforting hand was placed on my shoulders, "It's alright, Midori. I'm sure there will be a way for you to regain the memories you have lost."

"If . . . if I," I looked down into my hands where I cradled the hand mirror - looking into my sad expression, "if I traveled with them . . . then, that means . . . they're here, right?" I look up and meet Gi-gan's gaze, "How will they react? Was I traveling with more people? What will - ?"

Gi-gan pulled me into a loving embrace, "I'm sure they'll understand. You can talk to them if you like, but you may be a bit overwhelmed right now. Everyone's partying over Yan Kumuji's defeat."

I moved back - not out of the embrace, but not completely enveloped in it either, "Kumuji has been defeated?" 

A nod was all I got before we heard a voice call out, "Captain! The party is starting without you!"

I smiled sadly, "Go, party. I . . . I'm going to sort some things out here first."

Another small, cautious nod came my way before Captain exited the room, leaving me to my thoughts.


Jae-ha was playing his music again.

Finally feeling up to it, I had made my way out onto the deck of the ship a few hours ago. From where I was leaning on the railing, I could see many people celebrating and getting drunk. Now, with the alcohol and Jae-ha's playing, many of the partiers were beginning to fall into their sleepy, drunken stupor.

I sadly laughed at them as the succumbed to their wish to sleep.

"There you are," I hadn't noticed, until he spoke to me, that Jae-ha had stopped playing. I glanced over to him with a bittersweet gaze trying to warn him that I wasn't at my best right now, but that didn't stop him, "Why didn't you join everyone at the party?" 

By now, I was able to take the bandages around my head off, and I obscured the view of my right eye (it was still covered with bandages, but I didn't want attention to be drawn to it), "My wounds were great. I had to be sure that they were fine before I moved around too much."

Hearing those words from my mouth caused my companion to move closer to me, brushing away the hair that I used painstakingly to cover the only visible bandage, "Crap, Midori, what happened?"

I shrug, looking away from his scrutinizing gaze, "I was hoping you could tell me." Surprise covered Jae-ha's face as I spoke, "Apparently you were the one to save me, then pass me off to one of our comrades on the ship."

"But . . . Shouldn't . . . Why do you . . ."

I sigh, looking out over the hoards of people resting peacefully on the docks, "Gi-gan says they got a doctor to see me. Said I lost a lot of blood." I play with a part of my skirt, a nervous habit I have from time to time, "Said that because of the blood loss, I could experience some minor amnesia. . . . which seems to be happening."

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