Never Had Sex With A Virgin

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Chapter 2


Rebekah's heart thudded against her chest as she noticed the two boys stood in front of her, their strong arms by their sides. For some reason, she felt scared, and even through the cold rain, her cheeks still managed to heat up.

It had been several seconds, and Rebekah realised she hadn't responded, but Ethan pitched in before she had the chance.

" Why are you out here all alone whilst it's raining?" Ethan asked, his eyes slithering to the side to look at Kade, who was still gazing at Rebekah with a blank expression, ideas growing in his small mind. Their tones were always sarcastic, like that's the only way they were capable of speaking. They treated her like she was stupid, despite her brightness.

Rebekah felt as if the cat had got her tongue. Her stubborn throat wouldn't speak, and she failed to form a sentence. If she told them, they'd stay and pester her for sure. But if she didn't, they'd find out she were a liar when seeing she's still outside.

" It's just- my father he, well, I'm sure he's at a meeting and I- I forgot my keys.." Rebekah tried to explain, knowing it was pointless lying.

Kade's dark eyes lit up, but with more clouds of blackness, and both boys grinned in unison. They took a look at each other, and slightly sniggered, causing Rebekah to feel belittled once again. What was so funny?

It was silent for a few moments. All that could be heard was the heavy rain splashing against the ground, creating puddles. Rebekah avoided their gazes by picking at the torn skin around her polished nail.

" Well, Kade here couldn't go to Victoria's house due to her mom walloping her ass for failing most her classes. So, we're going to head to his." Ethan said, he exaggerated the word Victoria to cause Kade to laugh; they must've been there when her mother was telling her off. Reports had clearly been sent home.

" How about you come with us?" Kade suggested, and Rebekah felt all the air suck out of the world. Her eyes widened and flickered slightly, her mouth becoming a straight line. No. Why was they asking this? Couldn't they tell she was an awkward state who didn't want to be near them? They knew she was bad at saying no and being unkind, so why? Clearly to spite her.

Rebekah found it hard to search for words- how could she explain she'd be fine in this weather without them suspecting she didn't want to go? Was too.. afraid of them.

" Um no, I'm fine I.. i mean he should be home soon so I -"

" Come on, Rebekah. I mean, look at yourself, you're soaking wet." Kade interrupted, Ethan exploding into hysteric laughter at his dirty remark that made Rebekah want the earth to swallow her up, just to escape these people. The damp air was causing her to shiver tremendously as it swiped across her bare arms.

Rebekah would die if she stayed out here. The temperature had dropped dramatically over the passed few days and she'd already suffered a cold once. If she got sick, she wouldn't be able to go to school, and she had important exams coming up. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad if she stayed there for an hour or two until her father arrived home. He'd know Ethan for years anyway, as he was good friends with their parents. What was the worst that could happen?

No. It was. It was a terrible idea, and she knew it. But, at this point, what choice did Rebekah have? They were offering, so what could they possibly do? She'd be fine, wouldn't she?

They wouldn't hurt her, would they?

Of course not. That was a little extreme.

" I- I mean well.... okay." Rebekah agreed, and she immediately seen both built boys raise a wider, estatic smile. They looked at each other, and back at Rebekah, who was practically frozen to death, whilst they let the rain pore onto their bodies.

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