You Care About The Slut, Dont You?

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This photo represents Ethan before getting involved with Kade VS Ethan after getting involved with Kade, lolll. You'll see.

Chapter 20

Several hours had passed and Rebekah was intoxicated. She'd consumed more alcohol than she could even remember; could even care to remember. All she was doing now, was living high off the feeling that the liquid spirit gave her. That even involved jumping up, and dancing with Kade Samuels around Ethan Riley's kitchen when he switched on a song on the video player which she swore she knew every word too, but managed to get at least ten of them wrong.

She couldn't lie, she felt she was having... fun. Even Kade's hands gripping her waist as they swayed managed to turn her on, and Rebekah was too bladdered to realise it was her drunken state playing games with her. Creating a barrier where she was unable to see what Kade had been doing to had been doing to her these last few months. Too oblivious to realise Kade had slipped an exctacy pill into her drink, and that's why she was acting this way. Common sense and responsibility had washed its way out of her conscience, and she genuinely believed that these boys right now were helping her loosen up a little.

Well, boy.

Ethan didn't bother to interfere with them. He watched as they giggled and pranced around his house like six year olds, having the time of their lives, then travelled over to his one seat sofa and had a steamy make- out session.

Ethan's eyes would skim over them as Kade groped her, his hands gliding up her tank top, squeezing at her breasts. Ethan was just as drunk as they were, but not in the same way. He was the way in which he sat and re-thank his life. Just like when he was sober, but a lot, a lot worse. His eyes were droopy, and kept closing, but the sound of Rebekah's screeching laugh managed to wake him up.

It was weird for him, seeing Kade this way. He knew he must have something up his sleeve, because Kade wasn't this type when he'd had a drink. Maybe he was trying to rile Rebekah up. Ethan wasn't too sure, but his face looked gratified for a split second. Either way, Ethan had consumed too much vodka from his fathers bar to recognise a truth from a lie, so it didn't really matter.

After a little while, Kade disappeared, and Rebekah sat watching the television, giggling at everything that popped up. It wasn't funny, not even the slightest, but Ethan found himself smiling at her reactions as he sat on the tile floor. Had to be the alcohol.

After about an hour of just sitting there, listening to Rebekah, Ethan found himself falling asleep against the wall. His eyes wouldn't stop closing shut, until he noticed a blue band lay on the ground, and he furrowed his eyebrows, attempting to reach for it.

" Rebekah," he slurred, but he fell trying to grasp the band, and Rebekah shot up from the sofa.

She exploded into hysteric laughter as Ethan tried to pick himself up from the floor. Rebekah rushed over to him, and he managed to stand up- wobbling, but holding the blue band in his fingers. His large figure towered her, and he leaned down to hold the band out.

" Is this yours?" Ethan asked.

Suddenly, Rebekah's happy face dropped, sagging instantly like a sack of potatoes. Ethan pulled his face back, and Rebekah snatched the band out of his hand.

" Yeah," she said, and her glowing cheeks turned pinker in embarrassment from harshly taking it from Ethan.

Ethan's expression didn't change from that flat line on his lips, and he sat back on the tile. He stared at Rebekah as she struggled to push the aqua band back on her wrist.

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