Chapter Five

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Robins POV


"I've ran out of pickles." I said.

"I thought you said it was urgent." He tried to catch his breath, emphasis on the 'urgent'.

"Uh-hello. Baby inside here." I pointed to my stomach. He rolled his eyes jokingly then set off downstairs. "Thanks!" I called, laughing to myself. I laid on the couch and felt the small flutter of the baby's kicks.

"Hey baby." I rubbed my stomach. "I'm gonna give you the best life you can ever have. I'm sorry if it's not but hey, I'm a teenager."

At the moment I'm 6 and a half months, 28 weeks. I felt the baby kick at about, 20 weeks?

I just want to give birth already! I watched some tom & jerry, chuckling at how I used to find this program hilarious. I don't understand how I did now...

The door knocked again, so I pushed myself up, opening the door and letting Louis in. He gave me the pickles on the way, so I straight away opened the jar and pulled one out, biting into it.

"So where are the boys?" I asked, plopping myself on the sofa.

"Nandos." He said.

"And your not?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Me and my girlfriend broke up, not in a good way.. Er turns out she was cheating on me." He bit his lip, fiddling with his thumbs.

"Sorry, want a pickle?" I asked.

"I'm good thanks." He laughed. "Mind if I use the loo?" He asked. I nodded, pointing to the door just next to the kitchen. "Taa." He said, I smiled as I eat my pickles.

As soon as he shut the door, I went back to watching tom&jerry. "Happy now? Now that I've giving you your pickles?" I said to my abdomen. "Well you should me, because I'm glad I've got them." I popped a pickle on my mouth.

I watched as Jerry flew out of the cheese hole, and Tom tried to grab him, bit failed as Jerry plunged back into the hole. I felt the baby's soft kicks and I smiled. "Is that you implying that you want some mayonnaise? Because I want some too." I reached over and grabbed the mayo, dipping in my pickle and chewing on it. "I wonder who you are, boy, girl. In between. I don't want you to be in between- no offence." I said.

I heard a soft chuckle. I turned my heard around, "How long have you been there?" I raised a brow.

"Ever since you started to talk about mayo." He laughed, sitting down next to me. I laughed, standing up and waddling to the kitchen to put my pickles and mayo back. I undone the fridge, putting them in, breathing in the scent of ham. Then my stomach churned. Oh shit. Oh hell no I've been good these past 2 days.

Running to the toilet I threw up all the pickles I just eat, then I felt my hair being pulled back and soft rubs along my middle back.

"It's okay love, I'm here." He said. I threw up again, wiping my mouth with a tissue and then grabbing my tooth brush, still on the floor. I brushed my teeth viciously, spitting out the toothpaste once I had done.

"You okay?" Louis asked. My eyes glassed over and I shook my head. I burst into tears, leaning against the bath and Louis took me in his arms.

"It's okay hun, it'll all work out." He cooed.

I sniffed, "Louis how am I supposed to do this?! I can't even stand up with out my legs wobbling, I can't eat with out being sick.. I-I haven't even got a room for the poor child!" I cried. Louis wiped my eyes.

"Listen here Robin, I will help you through this. Do you really think I'll let you cope this alone? Didn't think so. I'll be the father to your baby, and I'll be a good father to your baby." He smiled sweetly. Stupid hormones, I burst into tears again. "Did I say something wrong?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No, you done perfect."

"Thank God." He laughed, and I laughed in return. I squeaked in alarm when the baby kicked hard, Louis looked at me funny.

"What?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The baby kicked." I giggled. His eyes sparkled, "Can I feel?" I nodded, motioning his hand to my stomach. The baby kicked again and Louis smiled.

"I wanna know what the gender is." He groaned.

"Next time I go I'll ask." I giggled.

"When's that?" He asked.

"In 3 days." I said, he nodded standing up. I struggled the stand up so he helped me.

I waddled to the living room and sat on the sofa. "Do you want a drink?" He asked. I smiled, nodding. "Erm, I'll have a hot chocolate with loads of marshmallows," I was not longer craving pickles, this is my craving now.

He nodded. "It's in the cupboard next to the fridge." I called.

"Kay." He said back. Soft flutters were in my stomach again.

"Hello baby." I smiled. "I get the find out the gender of you in 3 days!" I squealed in delight. There was a hard kick, "Hey, doesn't matter if your not happy, do you want to wear boy outfits of your a girl?" I pouted, pointing to my stomach. I let out a chuckle. "What am I doing." I rubbed my stomach.

Louis came over and handed me my cup of hot chocolate mounted in marshmallows, a cup of tea for himself.

"Thank you." I smiled, watching tom&jerry. I took a small gulp. Oh sweet heavens. This is the nicest hot chocolate I've had in a while.

"Do you want me to take you to the doctor appointment?" He asked. I grinned, nodding. "What time?" He asked, grinning back.

"Can you pick me up at 10? The appointments at 10:30 but better early than late." I said.

"Sure." He smiled.

"Yay! Hear that baby? Your own daddy's taking you to the doctors!" It's so weird to say that.. My baby has a dad. To know that is amazing.

Louis laughed at me. "How's the hot chocolate." I asked him/her. Yeah this is how spend my time, talking to a bump.

Me and Louis sat and chatted, trying to ignore the music.

They always have some loud music, parties. It's like excuse me.. There's a whale on the floor below. Please don't disturb.

"Do they always have this?!" Louis said, seeing that I was getting agitated.

"Yeah." I said.

"Right I'm going up there." He said.

"Ooo I'm coming!" I squealed, rushing to the door. I love a bit of drama, at school when there was fights, I was at every single one of them, cheering them on.

Louis chuckled, as we rushed upstairs. Well I say rush we was actually being really slow.

As soon as we were to the door, Louis rapidly banged on the door.

A guy in about his 20s answered.

"Do you mind?!" Louis spat. He put his finger up, as if to say one second, then called someone called James.

Hold on, I know a James...

"Yea- Oh Robin... It's nice to see you again."

Oh shit.

Louis Tomlinsons Baby {Louis Tomlinson}Where stories live. Discover now