Chapter Twenty

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Robins POV


"Louis?" I asked.

"Yeah, babe." He mumbled into my neck.

He just said I love you to me. Love.

"I-I.." I started. "I don't know." I said. He sighed, like in relief and then chuckled.

"Goodnight baby." He rubbed my tummy.

"Are you talking to me or Emily?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You, and Emily." He said.

"Goodnight Lou." I snuggled into him.

"Goodnight baby girl." He kissed my cheek, before I fell into a deep sleep.


"Robin..." A prod was felt on my cheek.

"Robin wake up." Louis whispered.

"What time is it?" I yawned, stuffing my face in my pillow.

"Um.." Louis reached over me. "12;23pm." He confirmed.

"Oh." I said back.

"Yeah.. Come on lazy bones! Up we get! My mums going to be here in half an hour!" Louis chirped.

I shot up. "HALF A FUCKING HOUR?! LOUIS TOMLINSON." I yelled, jumping out of bed and rushing to the bathroom. He laughed. "THIS IS NO TIME FOR LAUGHING! I LOOK LIKE COW SHIT!"

"You look beautiful." He walked out the room.

I started to become nervous. What if she don't like me? I knew she was coming, but not in half an hour.

I washed my hair and showered, then stepped out onto the bath mat, drying myself and putting on my fluffy dressing gown, brushing my teeth.

I quickly blow dried my hair and left it in its natural curls as they looked nice and silky today. I looked dead today, so I added on some winged eye liner and a few brushes of mascara. I quickly put on my underwear and bra. Yeah, don't judge, I still have donut and robot knickers. They're so comfy and nice to wear when your pregnant. I chose out my light maternity jeans, and a pale pink flowy tank top.

"Robin!" Louis yelled, obviously meaning his mums here.

"Coming!" I yelled, walking downstairs.

"Mum, this is Robin. Robin, this is my mum, Johannah." Louis greeted us.

"Hello its-"

"Oh baby she's gorgeous oh god! The babies going to be beautiful. Oh Louis she's perfect! Are you together? How are you feeling darling? I've been through pregnancy a few times if Louis haven't said. Though he probably has through how much he talks. Oh goodness your big aren't you? Belly wise, by the way. Oh Louis I can't wait! It's a girl, right? Yah that's what I heard! What are you going to call her? Oh I'm so excited! Oh call me Jo." She smiled.

"It's nice to meet you." I said, already forgetting all the questions.

"Mum stop talking. Please." Louis whispered.

"Oh, sorry! I get so chatty when I'm excited. It's so nice to meet you Robin! I didn't here about you until yesterday at this interview because of this little bugger!" She pointed her thumb towards Louis. She sat down, patting the seat next to her for me to sit down.

I wanted to laugh, but I felt rude. She's so chirpy and talkative. I can tell were going to get along.

"Louis can you grab me a coffee." Jo said.

"I'm not your waitress." Louis flew his arms in the air.

"I'll have one too." I smirked.

"See your girl wants some. Chop chop!" She clapped her hands. I laughed, Louis went to go make them.

"So how far are you?" She motioned to my stomach.

"8 months and one day. 36 weeks." I nodded, looking at my big bump.

"Oh wow! Don't worry hun. It will all go perfectly fine! I mean I've been through it 5 times!" She laughed. I laughed along, thanking Louis for the coffee.

It will all go fine.

Louis Tomlinsons Baby {Louis Tomlinson}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt